[愛] 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟦

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Time Skip!

Ever since you got amnesia nothing feel that different... You didn't change your parsonality much, your style haven't even changed, heck you remember all the activities you learn like... How to used your sword but in your way the style you tech yourself and some people... But you did kind of change slightly, but you could only notice it if they observe you carefully... You space out and dream more often, you smile randomly alot, you blush randomly alot to... And you just want to go back to your hotel room most the time. March didn't notice it so did Stelle but Dan Heng notice it clear as a day.

He doesn't care about your new behaviour tho. But the name 'Nao' haunt him in his dream to... Dreams of you and this Nao together would pop up sometime, you have been spending so much time with them not never talk about Nao... He even ask Himeko and Welt about Nao, they both say "We have never Heard of anyone named Nao" but Pom-pom... He know a little about Nao.

According to Pom-pom, Nao is a girl and you seem to admire her alot. Dan heng doesn't like that, why must you admire anyone else when he is here... What's the point anyway.

"Guys... When can we go to the overworld?" You ask them again for the fourth time this day... "It'll take a bit, why so impatient?" March ask you as she chuckled "Oh did you miss the Landau siblings?" She ask you with a mocking tone a syou shake your head no "Not them... I just want to breath fresh air" you say lying to them but from the outside it sound pretty trustable...

"Ah understandable... Air down here is a bit off" March agree with you, it's night and cold the four of you were simply walking towards the hotel... It's only been two day since you were discharge from natasha hospital? "Gosh im tired"  you say as you yawn, "Aw... You get tired so quickly! It's adorable" March say as you scoff "Thinking about it... Y/n, you're always tired or sleepy" Stelle say as you chuckled slightly "Y/n is a hard working person! She is the nicest person who work super duper hard, unlike someone..."  March say as she glare at Dan heng, "Even is she go days without sleep she's still super nice no near being grumpy at all" March say as she laugh.

"Say Y/n are you strong?" Stelle ask you before you could speak March speak up from you... "Obviously! If she actually fight she look super duper amazing... But that only happens once" March say, seem lile March is doing all the talking for you. Stelle on the other hand is extremely fed up, she was talking to you not March plus whenever she say anything she sounded super confident... Stelle want to get to know you more by using conversation but March is making it hard for her. Seem like she'll have to talk to you alone.

"This one time she yelled at this big guy without any hesitation! She have no fear or what so ever!" March praise you as you chuckled quitely, seem like you are super strong according to March, "i call that being stupidly dumb" Dan heng say as March scoff "Don't make me laugh! Y/n's the only one who won't hesitate to get in an argument" March say as she fold her arms while closing her eyes looking like a child. "And that's call being dumb and immature, no one in their right mind would start an argument without a second thought" Dan heng say as you chuckled, March don't like it when anyone call you dumb or stupid.


Y/n are you seriously going to let him talk like that!? Infront of you?" March ask "it's ok... I have to say i agree with Dan heng" you simply say as March doesn't look satisfied with your reply. "Y/n you're too nice c'mon I'll help you beat him up" March whisper in your ears but Stelle and Dam heng could for sure hear what she was saying. "We're here" Stelle say as the three of you stand infront of the hotel....

Walking inside, the inside doesn't look good nor bad it's avarage. But it'll be best to not even touch the wall, Just kidding it's not that dirty.

When you reach your room which is in between, Dan heng and Stelle room. March yawn as she put her chin on your shoulder and hug your waist. Like a couple would do, "Im so sleepy..." She say as Stelle chuckled "I thought you say you want to have girls night?" Stelle ask March as she look confused "I did?" She ask "Yes... You even say i wasn't allowed to join" Dan heng say as she chuckled "Oh... I remember! But forget about that i need my beauty sleep" March say as she let go of you and stand straight while stretching her body. "Good night pookie" she say a she peak your forehead. "Night everyone" you say and walk towards your room door, Stelle and March also say good night and walk into their room.

You couldn't sleep at all... All you did was look out the window, plus the view isn't that nice. Standing up from the chair you put near the window, you look at the door that lead to the hallway, you slowly approach it making sure not to make too much noise. Thankfully the door didn't creak much and you walk outside and close the door behind you. As you tip toe down the hallway hoping no one see you, you manage to walk out the hotel without anyone noticing you. Outside air isn't even that fresh what the hell, something you noticed wss that... Bronya isn't here? Weird... You haven't really have a deep talk with her yet and while you three were going to the hotel she wasn't walking with you three... But from what Dan heng, March and Stelle say. Bronya say that she would protect you three by standing outside the hotel all night. So where the hell is she?

You were confused but didn't want to ask too much questions you can't even answer yourself.... Walking down the town feel kind of nice as the weather isn't that cold or hot, just perfect (like you).

"Thief! Thief there's a thief help me!" A low female voice say, sound like a grandmother... If you were a bit further away you may not be able to hear it. You dash towards the sound, while running you put your left/right hand on the air as your sword appear from thin air...

---------- Question?

What path do you want?

What elements do you want?

𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 // 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐥Where stories live. Discover now