Chapter Twenty-One

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Aemond and Maegella were taken to her chambers shortly after the King's dismissal, each given a sleeping draught to help ease them into the land of dreams. Camilla sat in a chair by the edge of the bed, watching her children sleep. The Queen probably would have fallen asleep there if not for one of her ladies in waiting entering the room.

"Prince Daemon, Your Grace." Sedna announced.

Daemon entered the room, his tall frame towering over Camilla's ladies in waiting as they fled the room. He stopped by the foot of the bed, gazing down on the sleeping Prince and Princess.

"How are they?"

"Aemond has been blinded and Maegella is disfigured. The maester says they will experience lifelong pain due to their injuries." Camilla sighed, her finger brushed against Aemond's cheek. "Why have you come, Daemon?"

Daemon ignored her question, staring at the two sleeping children. "Daenyra has grown to be quite beautiful, and Daemion is a handsome boy. Soon my brother will marry them off."

"That is the way of things," Camilla stood from her seat, pressing a kiss to Aemond's forehead and turning to face Daemon. "My husband told me he offered you a place in his court and you refused, Why?"

Daemon chuckled, it was dark and devoid of emotion. "What is there for me in the Red Keep?"

"I am there, my children are there."

"Do you think I wish to watch your marriage to my brother? Watch him raise my children as his own? Stand by, unable to care for them for fear the realm will find out the truth."

"When have you ever feared what the realm thought?"

"Since my life is not the only one at risk." Daemon sighed. "It is difficult enough that I know of their existence. That I know my brother doesn't care for them, care for you as I would. To witness it would be a fate worse than death. To be forced to watch you wilt under my brother. I can't do it. I would end up killing my own brother. It is best if I stay away."

"Best for who? Definitely not me or my children." Camilla grabbed his hand, pulling him closer so he would face her. "Look at what my life became without you. I am forced to raise my children for their inevitable slaughter when Rhaenyra comes to power. My life is a tragedy."

"And what do you think of mine by comparison?"

"I know little of it, besides you have left me behind and married and had daughters." It was silent for a moment as Camilla and Daemon gazed at each other. "Did you love her?"

"We were happy enough."

"That is a blessing most do not have. I have not felt true happiness since before my Aunt's death. The only thing that comes close our my children, and even then it is tainted with fear for their futures. "

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