Jealous much?

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"Its name is Octo," I said smiling down at my new companion

"Is it a girl or a boy?." Billy asked poking at it

"Does it matter?." Patrick asked glancing at Billy.

"Guys guys calm down," I said examining the creature and looking at all its details.

"Male," I said as I found it by looking below the creature's stomach.

"Hm alright," Stu said suspiciously

"But if it hurts you I'm killing him," Billy said with a cocked brow crossing his arms to appear more masculine.

Time skip

I introduced it to the others they gave different expressions
It was either a
"uh okay.."
Or a blank stare

I ended up cuddling with it on the couch
I played with it so much I loved it
"Y/n dear wouldn't you prefer a more suitable companion for yourself?" Hannibal asked jealousy striking him.
"Nope! I love this cutie!." I said rubbing his stomach
"Well, it's taking all of our damn attention," Bo muttered not caring about keeping it a secret anymore.
"It's only been two days," I said glaring at him
He put two arms in the air as if saying I meant no harm.
"Geez we're just saying can't we have some love?." Chucky scoffed with his arms crossed
Jealousy also struck him.
"Oh come on I got him yesterday," I whined.
Everyone just scoffed well the ones that could
"Pfft since you guys want an attitude then I'm gonna stay in my room with Mi Vida," I said making a angelic sound saying "Vida" and nuzzling my nose with his.

Time skip

I had put Octo's bed on the floor I didn't want him to sleep on my bed yet.
I didn't know what he contained as of now.

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