23. Boo, you're boring

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"What about you, big guy? Any partner?"

He shook his head.

"Can I ask why?"

I just don't

He crossed that out and started again.

I haven't found someone willing to put up with me.

I laughed.

"I'm sure there's people crawling towards you. You just probably push them away."

He shook his head.

There is someone, but I'm not much of a family guy.

"You should go for it! Get to know them!"

No, I don't even know then that well.

"How long have you known them for?"

A few months.

"Have you tried talking to them?"

He shrugged.

It's complicated.

"So you're just gonna let them go?"


"Boo, you're boring!"

They're not interested in me anyways.

"You never know."

How do you feel about your lieutenant? Would you go out with him?

"Lord, no! He's a dick! He hates me and he always picks on me."

I feel he's just looking out for you in the only way he can.

"Yeah well, I can't date a higher rank officer anyway. It's not allowed."

What if he wanted a secret relationship?

I blushed.

"I don't think I'm worth the trouble to anyone for that."

You should think more highly of yourself.

I smiled and I ordered us more drinks.

I should have stopped drinking 5 drinks ago.

But I didn't.

I giggled and was rambling, showing Simon pictures of my late dog. She was my baby.

"Wanna come back to my place?" I smirked and he looked up from my phone.

He scribbled on the paper and moved out towards me.

I frowned and leaned forward and forward and forward until I almost slammed into the bar.

Simon put a hand out and caught my face thankfully.

I giggled.

"I can't read."

He sighed.

"Why do you want me too go home with you?"

That voice... it's familiar...

"To sleep, duh!"

"I'm not sleeping with you. You're drunk."

"I just wanna sleep next to you... That's all." I laughed and got up. "But if not, that's okay."

He grabbed my arm and made sure I didn't fall.

"Close us out please." He told the bartender and handed him a black card.

I tried to wander off but Simon kept a firm grip on me.

"Come on. Let's get you home."

I began to stumble back the way I came and Simon helped me stay up straight.

"Where do you live?" He asked and I pointed towards home.

"What's the address?"

I told him and he nodded.

And off we went.

I rambled about random stuff and Simon listened.

"Is this the place?"

I looked up and smiled.


He stared for the door but I pulled away.

"No, shh!"

I walked to where my open window was and pointed up.

"We go this way!"

"YN, you're drunk. We're not going in through your window."

"My brothers will hear and beat you up!" I hissed.

"That's fine. I can take them."

I shook my head and began to try and climb.

I fell on my butt.

Ghost x reader: New Recruit Where stories live. Discover now