Chapter 26

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ESPN: Bonsee with convincing semi-final win. Italian headed to second consecutive final, still chasing first grand slam victory.


I woke up to what felt like a knee slamming into my hip, my eyes shooting open and I was terrified. "What the," I heard Charles gasp next to me, my vision trying to catch what was going on.

"Wake up my little finalist," I heard Laurie's voice boom as another thump hit the bed, this time her body landing between Charles and I, laughter escaping her.

"Laurie what the hell," I screamed not being able to hide my giggles. Charles moaned rolling over.

"That's quite the wake up," his voice groggy.

"I figured better me than your dad. He wants to surprise you so I figured you two wouldn't mind if I spoiled it," Laurie said bouncing the bed a bit more. "Good morning to you too Charles," she added as he buried his face in the pillow muffling his hello.

"There's no way that man would enter this room knowing Charles is here," I scoffed.

There was a knock at the door as soon as I finished the sentence, "1 minute warning," we heard my dad's voice muffled through the door.

"You wanna bet," Laurie said raising her eyebrows at me.

"Oh my god," Charles sentence was exaggerated and panicked. "Look away Laurie!"

Laurie and I were in a fit of giggles as I watched Charles lean up and grab the throw blanket at the end of the bed. He wrapped it around his lower body as fast as possible, his face completely flushed. Our laughter continued as he grabbed his backpack and rushed off to the bathroom, tripping over the dragging blanket on the way.

"I like my Monegasque on the move in the morning," Laurie called after him earning a middle finger from Charles as he slammed the bathroom door shut. "I hope you're dressed under there," Laurie let out between our laughter looking back at me.

"Please, I'm Italian not kinda French," I replied flinging the covers off revealing my T-shirt and boxer shorts. "How did my dad think this was a good idea?"

"He's excited! And I think he used me as a warning to avoid what just happened," Laurie replied shifting into Charles spot.

"That's smart of him," I hummed as we watched the bathroom door open. Charles was still flustered in pajama pants and a tshirt. He chose to sit on the couch grabbing the book he was reading last night. He flipped it open to a random page and put on his glasses, a sigh following.

"Very subtle," I chuckled at Charles attempt to look like everything was normal. 

"We will never speak of this," his voice exasperated at he ran his hands through his hair, a smile forming on his face.

I leaned back letting my head fall onto the pillow. "You know, this is exactly how I needed this morning to go," I said grabbing Laurie's hand.

"I think so too," Laurie squeezed.

"I'm so glad you two think so," Charles butted in but not able to hide the fact he thought this was funny.

My dad walked in pushing a whole tray of food, his mood was clearly excited. "How are my two favorite tennis players," my dad's voice rang out as he passed the couch. "Charles," he said flatly.

"Morning Gregor," Charles responded with more energy.

"I have oatmeal, juice, fruit, peanut butter, whatever you two want," my dad said excitingly while he got to the end of the bed.

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