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You spent a few more hours talking with the boys in their room. Since they were three of them, the fourth bed in the room was empty and you were sitting on it while conversing with all of them.

"So... What do you guys plan on doing next?" You spoke up as you tilted your head. Midoriya was sitting on his bed like a normal person, while both Iida and Todoroki were sitting on the edge of it, like you.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Your greenette friend couldn't help but speak up as he turned to you in confusion.

"Are you like... gonna tell your families or something? It seems like we've been given permission to at least tell our families." Iida shook his head, "I don't plan on it. My brother will only be disappointed when he finds out... But at the same time, I want him to know of my mistakes that I made using his name as leverage..."

You couldn't help but blink in confusion, as did the other two boys in the room, "Iida-san... Your feelings as his brother and as a person were justified... You care for your brother and your love for him is what drove you to enact revenge, there's nothing wrong with fighting to avenge your loved ones." But the navy blue haired male simply hung his head in shame.

"It is wrong if I get my friends involved and get them hurt... You all might tell me that it's okay, but I still cannot forgive myself for my foolish actions that jeopardized all your lives and–" He looked up to stare at you with a sad look, "-costed you, your left ear, [Last Name]-kun..."

Todoroki perked up on this, "Oh... About your ear... I picked it up." He reached to his side drawer and presented you a handkerchief, opening it to reveal your severed ear, resting on some ice.

"AHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY WOULD YOU PICK THAT UP?!" He looked genuinely confused at your sudden outburst, but even Midoriya and Iida looked pretty sick.

"Well, I thought you'd want it back–"


"No, I made sure to keep it cool with my ice. It's practically cryopreservation."


"But... it's your own ear! Why are you scared of something that was attached to you less than a day ago?"

"T-T-Todoroki-kun, please! Just put that away, it really is disgusting!" Finally, Midoriya stepped in, his face as green as his own hair and even Iida looked close to throwing up.

"For someone who's so grossed out with cuts, you sure have nerves of steel to pick that shit up!!" Todoroki looked at you with a softened look, almost looking embarrassed before tucking the ear back in the handkerchief, "No, it's still uncomfortable for me... But I decided to put up with it when I realised that it was for your sake."

Now, it was your turn to feel embarrassed.

He can't just say stuff like that without thinking about the consequences!! If he keeps this up, people will really think you guys are dating.

"T-Thanks but... You don't have to do something that makes you uncomfortable, for anyone's sake... And please don't ever pick up someone's severed ear again."

"But... [Last Name]-kun... Ears can be reattached, right?" Iida finally spoke up and you decided to heave a deep sigh before finally answering him, "Sometimes, yes. But very rarely does it ever end as a successful surgery. About 8/10 times, the cells of the reattached ear are destroyed by necrosis. So it's best if I don't reattach it, I'll probably just get a prosthetic, if push comes to shove."

Iida was marvelled by your vast amounts of knowledge in this, and he couldn't help but express it, "[Last Name]-kun, you truly are phenomenal... You know a lot about the medical field!"

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