Chapter 12 : The Love That Sacrificed

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//ओ रांझना वे तेरी सांसो पे
थोडा सा वतन का भी हक था
ना देख मुझे यूं मुड़-मुड़ के
तेरा-मेरा साथ यही तक था
ये तेरी जमीन तेरे खून से ही
तो सजती सँवारती है रांझे
तेरे इश्क कि मैं हकदार नहीं
तेरी हीर तो धरती है रांझे//

30th May 2019, Chandigarh
9 PM

Dear Diary,

25th May 2019

A day I'll never forget! A day that will forever haunt me!

I am a heavy sleeper, have always been one. My mornings began after 8, while Kabir, a soldier through and through, would wake up every day at 5.

I still remember the day Kabir was supposed to leave for his duty the last time. The night before had been a night of love and laughter as we stayed awake until the unholy hour of 3 AM.

And then, the next day, the day he was supposed to leave, Kabir had started to wake me up at 5 to watch the sun rise with him. He loved watching sunrises!

I didn't wake up, and we missed the sunrise. He was irritated, but calmed down, when I had promised, the next time he comes home, we'll watch the sunrise the very first morning.

On the 25th, I woke up at 5.

I tried a lot to get back to sleep but I couldn't.

Five days before, I had a brief talk with Kabir, he was exceptionally happy, after coming to know about my pregnancy. And, so, my spirits were high.

I went and stood at the balcony, the same balcony where Kabir had asked me out for the first time. I was instantly reminded of that day. And just like that, I relived mine and Kabir's journey from that day to today, flooding my senses with love and nostalgia.

All of a sudden, the clock struck five thirty, breaking my trance, and I could hear birds chirping and the morning sun in hues of orange and yellow shining from behind the clouds.

I, for the first time, watched the sunrise that day.

I clicked pictures so I could show them to Kabir the next time we meet.

Later, I sat on a chair on the balcony and switched on the radio.

I could hear one of the classics "Aaoge Jab Tum, O Saajna, Angna Phool Khilenge...", and I again remembered the man I was waiting to come back with bated breaths.

"Anjaane Hi Tere Naino Ne, Waade Kiye Kayi Saare Hain..", I remember, I had once complained to Kabir that he spent very few days with me. I want to go on a trip with him, but how his service never allows us.

He had laughed and said, "I promise, once I retire from my duties, all my time will be yours. And, then, not one, we'll go on a lot of trips together."

Remembering this promise, a faint smile adored my lips.

Suddenly, the newspaper hawker threw the day's newspaper towards the balcony.

I picked it up and saw the big headline.

There was little improvement in the situation at the border.

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