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Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Dude have you ever thought of how many doors are on earth
Like actually thought about it

Honey Honey🍯

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Well like what is a door
Proper definition

Honey Honey🍯
its a thing for things to pass through
i think

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
So like cabinets and drawers are door

Honey Honey🍯
i dont understand where youre going with this

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
And you can pass through like just wood right
Like sliding wood

Honey Honey🍯

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
So is a piece of wood just an inactive door?

Honey Honey🍯
what the shit man
holy fuck
that makes sense?
wouldnt every bit of material be an inactive door if we were going by that logic

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Oh shit
I didnt think that far but i think so??
There are definitely more doors than wheels

Honey Honey🍯
wouldnt everything be like inactive unshaped wheels
if were going by that logic
cause if you try hard enough you can roll anything

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
The fuck
I disagree with that

Honey Honey🍯
oh yeah? and why is that

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Well cause then doors would be wheels

Honey Honey🍯
wouldnt wheels be doors to?
like inactive
cause you can pass through the ones we use for cars
and wooden wheels could be given a hinge and turn to a door but its still a door and its still a wheel

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Wouldnt there be the same amount of doors and wheels on the earth then

Honey Honey🍯
i dunno
are rocks just small wheels?

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
The fuck

Honey Honey🍯
most of them roll like wheels
so theyre wheels right
cause anything that rolls is a wheel

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
I guess so

Honey Honey🍯
and they cant be doors
because theyre solid and nothing can pass through

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
I think were coming to a huge realisation

Honey Honey🍯
theres an infinite amount of rocks on the earth

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Theres not

Honey Honey🍯
if you break a rock in half you get two rocks
you could do that forever
therefore infinite

Mr. Extra Lettuce🥬
Stop being smart its hurting my brain
Im having brain palpatations
Im seeing colours

Honey Honey🍯
do you have your glasses on?
a -6.00 prescription is like the times of a blind person

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