Chapter 40

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Harry's POV

I walked into the great hall, a wide smirk on my face and saw Fred and George talking to Dumbledore. That was very odd. I strutted over to them (a habit I seemed to have picked up from Sirius) and asked "Gentlemen, what are you two doing."

Fred and George turned towards me and grinned.

"Hello Harriet."

"We were asking the headmaster about the rules that surround the Yule Ball."

"The young Mr Weasley's wanted to know if they could take a teacher to the Yule Ball." Dumbledore chuckled.

"Who did you want to go with?" I asked curiously.

The twins stared at each other before George yelled "how could you, you knew I wanted to go with him."

Heads turned, everyone was staring at the twins and they were loving it.

"I didn't, I told YOU that I wanted to go with him." Fred shouted.

Dumbledore was looking highly confused which was very entertaining. I squashed down my laughter then looking Dumbledore dear in the eyes, stated "Honestly they have the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. We ALL know that Dumbledore would much rather go with me as I'm soooo much more amazing. We can forget that I may not have the right... physical attributes but I'm still better."

Dumbledore choked on the pumpkin juice he just took a sip of. He knew that I knew he was gay. He doesn't know how I know and to be honest I don't know how I know either. Somehow I just so happen to know that Albus Dumbledore is gay and in love with Gellert Grindelwald. Perhaps I should do a little digging and find out the drama, do they both still have feelings for each other?

"Eva-Potter 50 points from Gryffindor." Snape called.

I smirked at his bluff, evidently he still wasn't used to seeing the reincarnation of his obsessio- crush.

"Only 50 points? What a lightweight. Besides it's not Evans or Potter any more." I grinned.

"Whatever do you mean Potter?" Minnie asked sharply.

The smirk on my face was a perfect mixture of one my dad and Sirius (adopted dad) had worn when they were up to no good. McGonagall looked slightly nervous as I responded "It's now Potter-Black-Lupin."

The colour drained from Dumbledore's face. He knew that now there was no possible way for him to stop me from being able to live with Siri and Remy as they were now biologically my father's.

Snape's face bared close resemblance to someone who had just swallowed a lemon whole. It must be torture, having the daughter of your childhood crush a) not be your child, b) look exactly like said childhood crush and c) have the same last name as all 3 of your school rivals. Many people may feel bad for the person who had to deal with that torture, me on the other hand...I couldn't give a shit. Snape could go fuck himself with a used cauldron ladle evey day and get chlamydia for all I care.

"250 points from Gryffindor." Snape growled furiously.

I grinned at him "thank you."

I looked at McGonagall and laughed loudly when she muttered "Dear Lord what did I do to deserve another round of marauders?"

"Now isn't the time to write to god professor, besides I'm right here, you could just talk to me." I grinned.

McGonagall hid her head in her hands and groaned "I need a scotch." She mumbled.

At that point Sirius burst through the door of the great hall and yelled "Harry what the hell did you do?"

The students in the great hall gasped at the sight of Sirius.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I smirked.

Sirius glared at me "did you or did you not write Minnie a note asking her to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

I chuckled "come to think of it I did."

"You little shit." He hollered.

"Why is someone jealous?" I asked.

"He is actually." Sirius mumbled.

"Ha this is gold."

The students were watching with curious expressions on their face. Some wanted to laugh while others wanted to scream (they had evidently not believed that Sirius was innocent).

"Potter remove the mutt from the grounds." Snape sneered.

"Sorry Prince no can do." I responded.

Snape paled substantially. How I found out about his little secret nickname was quite amusing, the so called half blood Prince that had written a note in my potions book had the same writing as the comment Snape put on my potions essay. It was easy to put two and two together.

"Black 50 points from Gryffindor." McGonagall sighed.

Sirius looked at her confusedly "do you miss giving me detention that much? Minnie you forget that I graduated 16 years ago."

"I was talking to your daughter." McGonagall chuckled.

Sirius laughed "oh well, take more, I don't care."

I nodded egarly "yes please take more."

McGonagall sighed in frustration "fine another 200 points from Gryffindor."

Elated, I performed an odd sort of jig.

"Perfect, I lost more points in one go than all of the marauders ever did combined."

Sirius cried "how could you Harry? You broke our record."

"Fuck me I won. Now where's Moony I want the money he owes me." I announced before walking out of the hall, Sirius running after me shouting "I'll get you back daughter dearest."

Needless to say I confused the fuck out of everyone. It wasn't until I was almost in my dorm room when I realised that I hadn't actually eaten dinner. Ah well, I'd much rather eat with my dad's than a bunch of idiots...actually that's the same thing. I'd much rather eat with my dad's than with a bunch of people who hate me. Dobby certainly is a godsend when it comes to being able to eat wherever I want.

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