Moving on NM (4)

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Laying on your bed, staring at your ceiling, you think about every little thing that has happened to you.
What do you get by doing that? Destroyed mental peace? Yeah that's it and nothing else. I live by a statement "live in the moment, experience it, learn from it and move on" ..

If you're stuck on the same page of your life, how will you know rest of the story? We tend to hang on to things that hurt us or we loved them at one point in life. It is human tendancy. But to save your mental peace you have to live in the moment..if it is a happy moment then enjoy it..don't get overwhelmed by it. Store it in your box of memories but don't let it be in front of you 24/7. By that i mean, don't overthink about it all the time. Even if it was a good moment.
If you are in a bad moment, don't worry..try to handle it..ik it is difficult..if you can't it's fine..we learn from our mistakes. But what's important is that you think about what you did wrong and learn from it. After learning from it..move on.

"Live in the moment, experience it, learn from it and move on"
-Bookish fable

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