Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Summer's End

Summer only lasted a month and a half, because the academy's school year started much earlier than Bearin. Megan didn't talk to me the entire time, and I was too chicken to call her. It was sad, but I was also excited because I got to go to the academy sooner. Then I felt horrible about feeling excited when Megan certainly wasn't and the icy sadness returned to my heart. I felt terrible and wasn't mad at her at all. I probably would've had a fit if she had transferred away from me.

But still, with a week left to go we had a meeting with Mr. Pulcher to get all my official stuff in order. It was hard not to be excited then.

At the Pulcher house, we sat down and Mr. P gave Mom some things to sign.

"Wow, you went all out," she remarked, chuckling, and leafed through the papers.

After she was done she handed them to me. I skimmed them and gave them back.

"Well, that's about it," Mr. P said, standing up. "Oh, wait, I'll need a private meeting with Ari and that'll be all."

Mom nodded as Mr. P led me into the hall. "As you may have thought, there's some things we can't show your mother, which is what we need to take care of now. First of all-" he handed me a list of classes. "You'll need to fill out your list of classes."

There were lots of electives, but I was happy to see they offered a drama course. I marked it and paused at the list of sports. "Mr. P, would I be allowed to take track?"

He regarded me for a moment and then laughed. "You'll have to talk to the coach about that one. But I have no doubts that if you did, you'd be the star athlete."

I laughed and looked at the list again. There was nothing else that caught my interest, but...I could take gym. I never took it before since I was afraid I would reveal my ability to the other kids. And the years ideas forced to take it hadn't left a good impression on me.

But now I didn't have to worry about that. And maybe I wouldn't embarrass myself as I had in the past. Having snakelike reflexes boosted my confidence enough to mark P.E. onto my list.


The next day, I talked to Evelyn about the classes. "You took gym?" she asked in horror.

"Yeah, I figured my ability would kinda keep me from embarrassing myself," I explained.

"Ari, we're not allowed to use our abilities in gym."

My mouth dropped open. "What? Are you kidding?"

"No, and it's for good reason. Years ago some kid with anger issues got mad that his team lost a dodgeball game. Unfortunately for them, his ability was fire. He kinda...lost control and scared the whole school. So you'll get in big trouble if you get caught using an ability in gym."

"Oh, no!!" I moaned cupping my forehead in my hand. "What am I gonna do? Can't I take Spanish instead?"

"I'll ask my dad, maybe you'll be in my Spanish class."

I paused my despair for a moment to ask, "Uh, Evi, why exactly are you taking Spanish? You could write a Spanish dictionary! And an every other language dictionary."

"Yeah, but I need a foreign language for college credit."

I sighed. "Whatever. Can you please talk to your dad and get me out of gym?"

She called me back a few minutes later. "I'm really sorry..."

"You didn't get me out of it?!"

" dad had already made up your schedule."

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