Chapter 4 - Soul Agreements

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I felt nothing but empathy for Jo and her husband. I wanted to know more about her relationship with Brendan on the soul level. Because I'd been having deep spiritual discussions with Alan, I hoped Jo would also answer my questions.

I sat on the living room couch and asked her telepathically, "Did you choose to leave your husband?"

Jo readily replied, "On a higher level, not on a conscious level, I knew we would be separated at some point. I thought perhaps through a divorce or natural causes. I didn't know I would be killed as a young woman."

"So you didn't plan to die this way?" I couldn't imagine that two soul mates would choose such a brutal separation.

"Not exactly," she said. "I wanted to balance out a karma I had established in a previous life. I was fighting for the British army at the end of the First World War when I was killed overseas. It was an act of sacrifice. I had learned in many lifetimes that acts of sacrifice could, in fact, advance causes. This is what I had chosen to do when I selected my life as Jo Cox. But I didn't choose a murderous death."

"Who was the man that killed you?" I asked. "Was there an existing karma between you?"

"Yes. I've met him in five lives. I'm still working out the karma with him."

"Did he kill you in any other lifetimes?"

"No," she said. "I killed him once. It was on an island off Australia in the thirteenth century. It was a ritual killing. He killed my parents during a raid, so I was within my rights to kill him as punishment. I martyred him in that lifetime. Now he martyred me in this lifetime."

I asked, "Was Brendan with you in that lifetime?"

"No, we had chosen not to incarnate together in that particular life. We had other lessons to learn that we thought we could best handle in separate lives. We met up again in a later life."

So, soul mates don't incarnate together in every lifetime.

I asked Jo, "Will you see Brendan again in a future life?"

She replied, "We will look at options."

This prompted me to ask Alan, "Did you know Jo personally when you were here physically?" Alan had been a political activist and a member of the Labour Party like Jo, so I figured some kind of connection had existed between them.

"No," he replied, "but I knew of her. We had incarnated together in many lifetimes. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about her death beforehand. I was alerted a couple of weeks before it happened. There was nothing you or I could have done to prevent it.

"Jo is one of my secondary soul mates. I know that the concept of soul mates can be difficult to understand. I'll explain it the best way I can.

"When someone says they want to meet their soul mate, they usually mean a compatible romantic partner. Someone who completes their sentences, understands them well, someone they can talk to about anything, and there's little or no judgment. By this definition, someone could find multiple soul mates throughout their life. In terms of spirituality and the eternal nature of the soul, however, the term soul mate has a different context.

"We have only one primary soul mate, but we have many other soul mates of a secondary or tertiary nature. These are our close friends on the soul level who help us learn lessons during our incarnations. They may or may not serve as romantic partners in life.

"Soul mates are part of a much larger soul group that incarnates together to learn lessons. We may meet many members of our soul group—and other soul groups—during our lifetimes. And have any number of different kinds of relationships with them: relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, schoolmates. What's important to understand is that our soul mates are our greatest teachers, friends, and foes that we meet over and over again to help us grow."

From Actor to Healer: Alan Rickman's New Life as a Spirit Guide, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now