Chapter One

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I huffed a sigh, placing the last box on the floor. Placing a hand on my hip, I looked around my new - albeit empty - apartment with a satisfied smile. My previous lease agreement had ended and my landlord hadn't been willing to extend. It was for the best in a way, since my new job was closer to my new apartment than my old one.

That's when it actually hit me. I had a new job. And it wasn't just any job. It was my dream job at my dream company. Anyone working in finance had heard of the infamous Dellite Inc. It was founded by Benjamin Miller as a startup 15 years ago and had proceeded to become one of the top five companies in S&P 500. Benjamin had even featured on the cover of Time Magasine's 100 most influential people. And I had the honor of working in said man's company as the Finance Director - right under the Chief Financial Officer - which meant that I'd obviously have some sort of contact with Benjamin.

I had been gunning for this job ever since I'd started my Masters program in the University of Washington, and the realisation that I'd finally gotten it after years of hard work and innumerable mental breakdowns? Yeah, that feeling was unbeatable.

Wiping the sweat on my forehead, I plopped down on the couch - the only piece of furniture in my apartment for the moment - before I called my best friend Mira. The line rung once before her voice drifted through the speaker.

"Hey girl!"

"Hey. You still up for drinks tonight, right?"

Mira and I had gotten jobs in the same company at the same time, hence the celebration tonight. I'd invited our other best friend Oliver as well, but he'd declined. I could still picture the prominent relief of Mira's face when I'd told her that he wouldn't be coming. It seemed like wherever he went these days, his current girlfriend Gina would always be attached at the hip. Besides, I would be lying if I said I didn't sense any tension between my two best friends and how they avoided each other lately. Something about a fallout between Mira and Gina, it seemed.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world." She said as I heard clanking noises in the background. "It serves a dual purpose really. We get to celebrate and meet some hotties."

"Yeah," I agreed. "God knows it's been a while since the last time I got laid."

"True. Our lady parts do need some action. I'm pretty sure my vibrator's hanging on for dear life thanks to how many times I've used it in the past few months."

I laughed as we continued chatting about everything and nothing, still gushing about landing such amazing jobs. Finally, we said our goodbyes and hung up, knowing that we could keep talking forever and we'd be late to the bar. I got up and picked out a dress from one of the open boxes, the price tag still attached to it. Yep, this dress would definitely do for tonight.

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