Shade 41 ~ Pink

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I rubbed my thumb on my left wrist over my new tattoo. Scarlett made a lovely R combined with a heart.

It hurt like a bitch when the needle stabbed me and I wondered how people get soo many tattoos when they know it pains them. But when I woke up the next day and saw my tattoo healed, I knew it was worth the pain.

After taking my classes, I came home to see Caroline sitting on the island eating ice cream.

"Hey, Callie." I greeted her as I walked toward her and observed her casual loose shirt and shorts. "Took a day off?"

"No, I came home early." She murmured, stuffing her face with a scoop. "My boss wouldn't stop bitching."

"What happened?" I asked, taking a spoon and sitting next to her.

"She was writing the wrong medicine to the owner, and I pointed her out." She scoffed. "It bruised her ego that her assistant rectified her in front of her customer, but I couldn't let this slide. What if something else happened to Lizzy because of that medicine?"

"Lizzy... Is a dog?" I asked, taking a scoop of ice cream.

"No. It's a lizard."

My spoon stopped in mid-air and I stared at her. "A lizard?"

"Yeah," she answered, oblivious to my reaction, and beamed. "A Leopard gecko. It's so cute!"

"Right," I mumbled, putting the spoon back in the bucket. The image of a lizard made me lose my appetite, so I stood up from the seat.

"Where are you going?" She frowned.

"Uh..." I looked around and my eyes went to the basement door. "Is anyone home?"

"Nah. Only me."

"Then do you want to join me for a workout?"

"Sure." She shrugged.

"Give me a minute to change."

I ran up to my room and changed into a loose shirt and shorts for work out. I had been jogging every day before going to the club to keep in shape, but I needed to do something more.

Since Hunter is not home, I'll go to the basement and train by myself.

I went downstairs to see Caroline waiting for me at the door and when she saw me, she opened it. "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" I asked, making her halt.

"For work out?" she replied, unsure.

"We'll be working out in there." I jerked my thumb behind me.

"In the basement?" Her eyes widened.


"But that's Hunter's."

"I've been training with him there," I said and walked towards the door.

"With him. Not alone." She spoke, following me.

"What's the big deal?" My brows furrowed in confusion. "It's a home gym-"

"It's Hunter's gym." She cut me off. "No one has ever been down there except you."

"Why?" My forehead creased, not getting her point.

"Because It's his personal space." She repeated.

"Has he ever refused anyone of you?"

"No." She shook her head. "We never asked him."

"That's the problem," I said and dragged her downstairs with me. "If you would've asked him, he wouldn't have refused because he took me there as well."

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