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".................and the ugly duckling remembered how everyone used to ignore him. the ugly duckling now heard the swans say that he was the most beautiful among them. now he was no more the ugly duckling. THE END", acacia completed the story. looking down he noticed that nix had already fallen asleep on his chest with her mouth parted open. chuckling at the sight, he kept the book on the table and turned the lights off.

Earlier in the morning, when Maverick, Acacia and Hayes had to leave due to an important meeting, nix on knowing this information had hugged Maverick tightly not wanting him or any of her brothers to leave. her beautiful emerald eyes were filled with pearls of tears dripping down her chubby red cheeks. Eventhough the all the cells in their body compelled them to stay home with their little baby, they were helpless. Ledger and Magnus had decided to stay home with her, but wanted all of them to be there. After a lots of convincing, hugs, kisses and promise to take her out in the evening, nix had calmed down.

When she said her goodbyes, she was still sniffingon ledgers shoulder, waving her arms with a pouty sad face.

In the evening, when they returned home, the first sight which welcomed them were that of nix running towards them with her arms wide open.

"dwaddy,bubba, hay-hay"

catching her in his arms, maverick smooched her face with kisses

"dwaddy it twikles"

(daddy it tickles)

"ohh yeah" saying this he rubbed his beard on her face making her laugh out loud.

"how was your day baby"

"it was gwood dwaddy nix wen to gwaren and take fuits and this mwany fwowers. aunt addy hwep nix cwimb twee" said nix, stretching her arms.

(it was good daddy. nix went to the garden and pluck fruits and many flowers. aunt addy help nix climb the tree)

"ohh you again went to the garden today. did you bring some fruits for daddy"

"ywes dwaddy i bwing many fuits for dwaddy bubba and hay-hay. no fuit for ledgy he stweal fwom nix and call monkwy"

(yes daddy i bring many fruits for daddy, bubba and hay-hay. no fruits for ledgy because he stole my fruits and also call me monkey)

"you dont worry sweety ill give him punishment but did you ask him why he called you a monkey"

"no bubba no punishment ledgy say sowy and give nix choci. he say he cwall me monkey cuz i cwimb the twee like monkey"

(no bubba no punishment. ledgy say sorry and give nix choci. he saud that he called me monkey because i climb the tree like a monkey)

"ok now wont you give me a hug"

"bubba" saying this she bbounced in her fathers arms, stretching her arms towards Acacia. he took her in his arms while maverick was grumbling, not liking the fact that his son took his sweetheart from his arms.

acacia hugged her closer to his chest, placing a kiss on her head.

"i mwiss you bubba"

"then what about me sunshine"

"i mwissed you too hay-hay"

"ohh sweety i missed you too. i have a surprize for you"

"supwize yayyyy"

"its surprize baby and here it is" saying this, he gave her a package.

nix opened the package with an excited look on her face while the elders watching her ahd a smile on their face.

it was a soft elephant stuff toy.

"dumbooo" saying this she rushed to him and him a smooch.

"twank you hay-hay, i wowe you"

Hayes was dancing in his mind on hearing the i love you from nix.

After this episode, everyone had dinner. seeing all her children together ahd made ophelia emotional. maverick who noticed this hugged her.

"pops get a room we have a toddler with us"

"shut up dipshit"


"ohh shit"

"oh swit"

On hearing their baby swearing, it was complete chaos. maverick had a pale face, ophelia was galring at maverick, acacia had a amused expression, hayes and magnus were trying to control their laugh and ledger was cheering at her. nix, unknown to all the chaos was enjoying her dessert, sitting on her new pink princess high chair, not caring about her surrounding.

after dinner, everyone settled in the living room. the brothers were listening to their baby sister rambling about her day while the parents were doing the dishes. eventhough they have a lot of servants, after preparing dinner,all the servants leae the mansion except for the guards for safety prurposes.

"baby would you like to sleep with me today"

"yes bubba we have sweepover"

"no my baby will sleep with her parents today"

"mave you are gonna sleep in the guest room today and nix will sleep with acacia. everyone will have their turns but weekends are for us.





and saturday and sunday she will sleep with us. no complaints"

"what about friday"

"friday is her choice. whatever my baby decides"

All the brothers started arguing, wanting nix all for themselves. Maverick, not liking to be away from the love of his, tried convincing her to let him sleep in their room. after a lot of complaints, they were silenced by nix.

"mumma me sweepy"

after earing this, Acacia picked her up and took her to his room. after reading her the ugly duckling story, he went into a peaceful slumber, hugging her tight to his chest.

"i will always protect you baby even if it means giving up my life"


heyy guys

i hope you guys are excited for the update. sorry for the delay and thank you for your constant support.

until next time

bye bye

our little firecrackerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant