Chapter 3

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Ever since the vampires arrived for the annual ball the vampire lord had avoided Amie. She being to engrossed with her mum had had a splendid week days. With the guest in the kingdom, humans inclusive, mostly rich humans, food has been excess. The little girl didn't miss an opportunity to have anything shoved down her throat. She would occasionally help out in the kitchen and plus Beatrix was paying close attention to her. Having so many people and vampires around was risky for her. A human could simply take her and sell her or a vampire could snap and say a young child's blood was what they want and no one absolutely no one would raise a finger.

After the gathering in the evening, everyone disappeared to their various rooms leaving the servants and slaves to do their work. Beatrix being the chief of food made sure that everything was ready and set for tomorrow, till the day of the ball, they'll be doing the same routine.

Amelia and her mother sat at the backyard, she stared at her mum and smiled moving her head to the sound of her mother's voice singing. Beatrix had a voice of an angel, her husband always told her that and she sang his favorite song for today was his death anniversary. Three years since he died. Little tears trickled down her eyes. Amelia jumped to the ground, she didn't notice her mother crying, she sang without cracking. The little girl tried singing along to her mother. Beatrix laughed a bitter sweet laugh, her daughter had such a beautiful voice, such a shame that her husband wasn't here to hear it. She also laughed watching her trying to get the lyrics.

"Come on mother__dance with me" the little girl pulled her, Beatrix stood up and they swayed their hips, jumped lightly threw their hands in the air as they chortled with delight.

Up, following the creeping plants on the wall, up to their branches stood Alexandra in the deck watching. He enjoyed every moment of it. He found himself lost in their little activities. When the little girl would laugh and jump round her mother, her laugh would echo in his heart. He had a pretty stressful evening, he does every night but this was one way of relieving the stress.

Amie suddenly stopped and looked up to find a pair of red eyes, she blinked and looked again and found nothing she continued on, on her merry way. He retreated and advanced into his room.

"Where have you been?" Nicole asked. "I have searched everywhere for you".

"I'm here now you might as well speak" he said avoiding the question.

"The lady Francesca seeks you" Nicole said leaving after delivering his news.

The Vampire Lord signed knowing fully well what this is about. He had no power to turn down her call. He carried his feet over to her chambers. A light knock then he opens the door. He saw her standing by the window side, He took a seat.
Francesca was one of the women in the court who was on Alexandra's side during meetings. No person can survive in the vampire court alone and Alexandra knew this, everyone belonged to a group no matter how powerful, as powerful as Alexandra he still has to belong, it's politics and no one person can win alone because surely votes will be casted and although he was the high vampire lord he still needed people by his side.

She sat down on her bed and blew out her smoke looking him like a hawk. Yes Alexandra did respect her but he still chooses to do as he wishes most of the time.

"When are you getting a helper" she asked referring to a partner or better still wife.

Alexandra signed and replied coldly "never".

"I can't protect you any further" she revealed to him.

"And why the abrupt change of heart" he scoffed "do not tell me that you have been purchased?".

She rolled her eyes at his notion, she had live this earth longer than him although he was the vampire lord.
"They plan on taking the throne from you, to move the crown".

"This is my father's kingdom, he found this land he and his forefathers he did not get it that that may take as they wish" Alexandra spoke "I shall unleash hell if that'd take to keep them off".

He was obviously angry and even though she was older, she payed respect. He was her high lord.
"My lord, not even the most powerful king can rule a kingdom alone." She said "you need help, a companion"

"No, you want a weakness" he said.

She shake her head slowly to his opinion "remember I am loyal to your father and I shall always be. Now you have to take decisions to secure his crown, from next season they'll start proposing a change of powers little by little"
"Think this through, yes that met want a weakness, some. But some want the Alexandra line to continue." She paused and took a look at him.
"You're young and have all those young vampire ladies throwing themselves at you" she told him.

He smirked "they want me for my position and power".

"Is there anyone who wouldn't?," "And you're young and handsome, who would not"

"I shall get a companion but only in my stipulated time" he said.

She shook her head and tsk her tongue "I need time, give me time" she said.

"Fifty years from now"

She laughed "I know time is nothing but did you not listen to a word I said?, that's too long" .

"We're vampires" he countered.

"Even for vampires fifty years is a lot. Thirty".

"Forty five"

"Come on thirty"

"Okay thirty five it is" he said and stood up.

She smiled when he walked out, she remembered how his father was about getting married also. It brought back memories, sad ones.

As the vampire lord walked to his chambers he thought of how old Amie would be by then. He would have gotten enough time to sway her. When he reached there he saw one of his many admirer. With the discussion he had with Francesca he had no intention of being with anyone right now.

She was really pushing her luck. "Vivian I'm really exhausted"

"So let me release the tension in your body" she said massaging him.

She pushed the door open and they went inside. He was exhausted so he let her do her thing. Very soon their position is switched and his kissing the life out of her. He pushed her to the bed, she couldn't wait to have him. After they were done he wasted no time in chasing her out. He had his bath and have a servant change the sheets.

He was restless as he tried to sleep but his mind wandered on things, his heart prying his mind. The moonlight from the window made their way into the room, he stood up and pulled the curtain open and he lay on the bed his mind drifted to the little girl that stood on that spot. He was pissed at how little he cared about the girl and how the girl didn't give a single thought of him.

In the servant's room, Amelia slept peacefully next to her mother... and he watched her.
T. B. C

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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