Chapter Eleven

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"You say you have come to warn us?" The dwarf allowed them just one more moment of a close embrace before voicing his concern. The woman shone of Mother's gift, animated by faint particles that, if recognized as they were, would have broken June's heart.

She was no longer existing in the body of which she was birthed, only through death did Mother guide her through the fabrics of time to reach June in a place where temporary ticking could not touch. Skor did not allow his observation to sour the moment, knowing the girl would reach this conclusion in her own time. Perhaps it was a detail she had noticed but had not consciously absorbed.

However, she was not entirely associated with death. Mortal ideas of resistance toward it were limited within her lack of knowledge on fatality, and as a result, she did not know the beauty of an inevitable evolution that occurred between their world of material and the vastness of spirit. They lived to nurture the energy borrowed from Mother; to allow their vessels an environment to flourish with love and utilize the flesh in ways that would manifest a cosmic growth. To live was their gift, but to die was their purpose. The collective ego was temporary, but the energy that wielded their soul would forever exist and become life's biggest contribution. To be human was to be a cycle of life and that cycle would not contribute to the universe until borrowed energy was returned to its origin.

This was a lost stance, pushed into different areas of interpretation and overcomplicated with propaganda and misrepresentation. With these distractions came the loss and deterioration of spirit that Mother had extended to her confused children, only to be realized generations after they were stripped of their sanity and skeleton. The ghost of Helen knew this, able to embrace mystical realizations without the blackened coils of her weakened nervous system to restrain her from living in any form that was not anchored to the ego.

It was a loss of this ego that opened her eyes, and with the awakening came a knowing of their galaxies.

"There are many dark spirits of high power residing within the population of both human, animal, and most in between. The disease they spread has overcome Mother's touch. It is vital for you to protect yourself as the balance has given way." Helen's hold on her daughter was then limited to a hand atop her head. She stood, towering over both creatures and June kept a tight embrace, planting a firm arm around her mother's hip. "Their touch on your world is growing close and threatens any good that remains within Earth's pocket."

Even in the calming presence of comfort, these words stressed the young girl. She did not know much of these dark spirits, but she felt the urgency in air between their trio of mirrored neurons.

"We will be sure to complete blessings of the remaining elements in a most quick manner." He bowed his head in preparation of his next words, "You are highly appreciated for your act of sacrifice." He spared a quick glance to June, then back to Helen, "I understand the barriers you crossed to appear before us as you are."

She returned his nod of respect with a smile of grace, "I realized my fate."

With the response, she lowered before June once more and grasped both her hands as tightly as her limited manipulations could allow. "It was you, my sweet girl. For as long as my essence exists in your memory, I will be with you." Her slender finger began a strong pattern of circles as an occurrence of remaining maternal habit, "I cannot express my gratitude to have had the honor of holding you in both birth and rebirth."

June dare not ask the purpose behind her words, refusing to confirm suspicions that nag her conscience. Cooings of her shadow were but a muffled attempt of thought, as they did not quite make it through the muscle and tissue swarming with concern. Receptors were simply too distracted for her to grasp and redirect. Instead, tears filled her brown eyes and an internal chill grazed her lip in a tremble.

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