Chapter Five: Not The Ideal Death

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I watched as my life flashed before my eyes. I saw everything. My first steps. My first bike. My first heartbreak. So many things were going through my mind.
I realized that I may never see my family again. My mom. My dad. Jackson and Violet. I remember the last time I saw them. All four of them were warning me, saying "It's too dangerous to go out this time of night." If only I had listened. I wouldn't be here but at home in my pajamas and petting Sasha, my Yorkie.
  I got in a fight with my parents that night.


  "Guys, come on! This is like the best party of the year. What do you mean I can't go?!" I screamed.
  "Lana, I know you want to go to this party but it's dangerous", mom says giving me that look she gets when she's sorry about something.
  "The bottom line is that you're not going Lana Ann. Now go to your room and don't come out until morning!" shouted my dad, pointing up the stars to my room.
  "This Isn't fair!" I scream.
  "Lan, I know you don't think this is fair but mom and dad are just trying to look out for you", my older sister Violet said. Jackson just sat on the couch with a dumb look on his face.
  "I hate all of you!"  I ran to my room and locked the door. I then hastily climbed out of the window. Once I got to the ground, I took off running. I was going to that party whether they like it or not.
  I never made it to the party.

  Remembering the event made tears spring from my eyes. I turn around and stand face to face with Ty holding a gun.
  "Please don't do this. I have to get back home. Let me call my parents and apologize and then you can do what you want. I don't wanna die without letting them know I'm sorry", I sob. My body starts shaking and I collapse unto the floor. The tears come like a river.  I didn't stop crying until I noticed Ty staring at me.
  "I don't have a family" is all he says.
  "I'm sorry", I say apologetically
  "I do have a sister. She's all I have. I don't want to do this. I just want to get her back."
  "I understand", I nod, ready for the pain.
  He aims. I can see his hand shaking as his finger tries to decide whether to pull the trigger or not. I close my eyes, fully prepared. Then I heard sobs. When I opened my eyes. Ty was leaning against the wall, letting the gun drop to the floor. I quickly grab it. At least I could use this for self defense if I had to. But I don't want to. I don't think Ty wants to do this. Like He said, he just wants his sister. I wouldn't hurt him.
  I sit by his side awkwardly.
  "If you promise that you'll let me go, I'll help you get your sister back. He say there debating over his options for a minute but he finally nods his head. I let out an unexpected sigh.
  "Well. Let's do this." I get up and walk out of the closet with a feeling of control.

Hey guys. I know this chapter was really short but I just didn't know what to write about. That's why this chapter probably sucks. Hopefully the next chapter will get better.
Please please please vote and comment. If you have any ideas for the next chapter just let me know what you have in mind. Maybe, I might use it
  Thanks for all of the support
Lots Of Love

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