Chapter 14

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I am so sorry you guys. Guess who forgot that the story started in winter and made almost all of the chapters in summer? *Sigh* I really have a hard time keeping track of the season/time when I write a story. Anyway, that's why you might noticed I made some changes in the previous chapters, but nothing that are significant to the plot. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

It wasn't easy at first, when Jonah began to meditate. 

After he slowed his breathing enough and felt completely calm and grounded, Yvanna told him search inside his memory for the images of his nightmares. 

It was very hard, but he ended up being able to recall fragments of his time as a wolf which had been plaguing his dreams . Unfortunately, those broken memories were anything but pleasant, and he had to stop multiple times because he was so overwhelmed by the horror and sorrow he felt upon remembering what he did and the punishments the hunters inflicted on him. He finished all the meditating sessions crying and sobbing, wishing for the ache in his heart to disappear. 

During one such session, Jonah collapsed into the old healer's arms as he was still shaking from a particularly horrific vision of the hunters torturing a young werewolf who had given them trouble. 

"I can't do it anymore. It's too much." Yvanna hummed as she caressed his hair in a soothing motion. 

"I understand. It's a very difficult process to go through. But you have to remember that those memories are yours. They are a part of you, you just haven't had access to them until now. If you cannot do so, you will not be able to connect with your wolf."

She detached herself from his embrace to look at him in the eyes. 

"Stop fighting against yourself, Jonah. You have to accept your past, so you can move on." 

Slowly but surely, the meditation became easier as he did his best to welcome the pain which accompanied the act of remembering. His nightmares became also less frequent, which was a relief for both Alec and their friends. 

However, the relief Jonah felt wouldn't last because the next full moon was now in a few days, and the omega would enter another trance to access other memories and hopefully convince his wolf to let him in completely. 

Everyone knew that Jonah was eager to bond with his wolf, but Yvanna warned him once again that it would take time.

"The mind barrier you have has been there for years, so it won't happen over night. You need to be patient." 

The omega understood, but it was hard not to get frustrated when he watched the pups play in their wolf form, or his mate come back from a hunt with other warriors from the pack. 

"Come, we'll have a little snack. It'll do you some good to eat something." Jonah nodded with a bittersweet smile and took her extended hand to raise onto his feet. He did his best to push aside his longing as he followed her back to the hut. 

Jonah was currently on his way to Melissa's cabin. The woman had invited him earlier that week to come help her prepare different meals in advance. Today, he knew she wanted to make spaghetti sauce, which she put into several jars in the storage by the cabin.

Actually, the young omega had been visiting her several days a week ever since he came to see her the first time while she was on bed rest. He had really grown close to the older woman, and he looked forward to the next time they would see each other.

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