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Jk: jimin-a-h *hold his hands firmly* I understand your concern towards me but *looks down* yk how society is and--

Jm: *cut off* U Don't have to worry about anything koo, society will talk two days and then nobody has time to remember this all. Moreover, when I'm here nothing will happen to you

Jk: everything already happened *tears* what more is left--

Jm: *heartache* I'm real-ly- sorry koo *sobs* I- I couldn't protect you

Jk: no, no, jimin-a-h. What are u talking, it's not your fault. please *wipes his tears* you do more than enough for me

Jm: Then listen to me baby. And please just come with me *pleading* you're not safe here

Jk: *small face* Then what about jun-gme--?


Jk didn't had guts to make eyecontact so he kept looking down and he knew the decision he's making, will lead him to very miserable repercussion in future.

Jk: *sniff* She is just a little soul, mini. How-w ca-n I be cruel, and what will be the difference between me nd ta--e, if I do the same *sad smile*

Jm: Nobody is saying you to be cruel with her, my boy *cups his face* but you don't have to be Cruel on your ownself either

Jimin tried his level best to convince him but Jk was only thinking about Jungme bc yesterday only he saw how careless jin & tae are towards jungme.

Jk: Maybe this is only my fate *forced smile* And think this way, what if God has send me to look after jungme?

Jm: as a maid? *Gritt teeth*
Jk: tsk tsk...I just can't--

Jikook's gaze shift towards jin who was standing on door holding a tray full of food

Jm: ohh, look who's here *eyes filled with hate* The great brother--
Jin didn't knew who jimin is to jk but he kept quiet and looked at Jk

Jk: Jimin...(grabs his arm saying him not to create any scene)

Jin: Kook-- *cut off*

Jm: For whom you brought this for? Wait, lemme guess. I'm sure it's not for Jk! then?

Jin: it's for koo-- *cut off*
Jm: Ig this for tae's daughter and Jk is supposed to join his duty from today as her "MAID" correct?? *sarcastically*

Jin looks down when he couldn't stop his tears from flowing continuously

Jk: jimin, please! (Drag him back but jimin jerked his hand)

Jk: Jimin, he's elder than us *bite his lips to stop his tears* please don't do it--

Jm: elder? *Scoff* I don't respect the person who lied someone JUST 'CAUSE OF THEIR OWN GOODS (yells on his face and jin flinched badly)

Jin: I- didn't had any bad intentio-n- (cracked voice bc of sobbing)

Jm: you did what you felt right for your brother now I'll do what's my responsibility *hold jk's wrist* we're going from here rn

Jm looked straight in jk's eyes, who was all helpless standing there, he dragged Jk downstairs while jk wanted to stop him but he couldn't

He yells and with all his force he yanked off jimin's grip from his own hand

Jm: jungkook?
Jk: GO FROM HERE (pushed on gate's boundary and closed door immediately)


Jimin kept knocking. on other side of door, I was sitting nd crying silently. I had to do this bc Ik he loves me so much and my pain will make his heart heavy which I never wanted.

Jk: How unlucky someone can be, Now maybe I'll lose my best friend too. I hate my life, I hate myself and my situation. I messed up everything
I'm real-ly-sorry jimin-a-h

Jm: I hate you kook!
This was the last words I heard and my vision was blurred, my head started pinning. I layed down.

I came back from my morning walk, I opened the gate and saw him lying in the middle way. I kept my water bottle aside nd sat on my knees

Tae: hey!!! *Shakes a little*
I turned his face towards me when I got no response. I felt he got unconscious and I started patting his cheek

Tae: jung-kook-- wake up..!
I called jin hyung bc I didn't thought anything in that situation, what to do and what not

Tae: hyung, he- i-s not moving (Jk was in my arms looking all lifeless and I was at the verge of having a panick attack)

Jin: I'll call doctor! You make him lay on bed
I didn't waste anytime any picked him in my arms and headed towards my room

Tae: Jungkook! Open your eyes, jungkook.
I layed him down and still I was talking with him

Jin: Tae, move. Doctor came!
I saw dr. then I went and sat on Jk's other side. My curiosity took over me and I asked

Tae: what's wrong? Why he's not opening his eyes? Everything is ok right?

Dr: nothing is serious but he's weak bc of stress and he needs to take care of himself

Tae: nothing is serious then why he is not opening his eyes? Why he isn't in his senses?

Jin: tae, tae! Relax! *Pats shoulder* Dr. When will he be back in senses?
Dr: In an hour, Relax! Nothing is serious
Dr. Looked at me and then left from there.

••••𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓••••
Tae: don't fu*king dare to think I care for you
Jk: He throwed our wedding ring in dustbin?

I hope my cupcaks enjoyed this part :)
I'll try to update soon and do comments bc I love to know your thoughts 💗✨Don't be silent readers please. Take care and see you.....
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