VOL. 1, Ch. 4 - Responses & Revelations [II]

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New York City, New York
May 18th, 2035
01:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time


Nicholas Darby shuffled out of an alleyway littered in destruction once the fierce storm made its retreat known to all. In its wake, New York City was covered in trash and ruins from top to bottom. The streets were littered with small bits of debris, every car seemingly hit at least once by all matter of flying objects.

The air filled with the faint sounds of sirens wailing through the broken peace, scattered voices rang through the ever so little drizzle still falling onto the battered city and its equally battered survivors.

One look around told him all he needed to know, and he slipped back into the alleyway. Thinking of something quick, he began to wildly wave his hand in front of the unconscious girl he dragged into the alley to protect her from the storm.

"Hey... uh?"

The girl remained unconscious, lying on the ground where Nicholas had left her. He pulled the girl up so her back would rest against the wall, and tried to wake her up again. This time, he bent over and patted her shoulder several times.

"Hello...? Uh... hey?"

The girl shifted suddenly, an assurance to Nicholas that she was in fact alive. Now settled with relief, Nicholas tried harder to get the attention of the girl. Her eyes began to open slowly, her mind still in a cold, hazy blur.

Yet, she stared straight at the wet soaking ground while droplets ran down her face.

"Oh... you're awake, are you hurt? Do you need anything?"

The girl slowly turned her head towards the voice, seeing a brown-haired man staring back at her. She had no recollection as to how she ended up in this alley, why she was this much soaking wet all over, nor who this man by her side was. The last thing she could remember was some sudden rainfall on her walk back home, and all was blur after that. A constant pain rang from the back of her head, and she attempted to muster the energy in her right arm to grab at the location of the pain.

Nicholas looked at the girl in the eyes, sensing an aura of discomfort or pain emanating from her ached expression. He saw the attempt to lift her arm to the back of her head, deciding to let her try so due to his hesitance to interfere. The girl's arm slowly lifted up to the back of her head, before her hand jumped back on contact with an audible hiss of pain. Sensing something dire, he looked at the girl's hand to see it stained a flowy, diluted red.

"Oh... shit... that fall, you hit the ground hard. I... I'll get you some help real quick, just hold on here...!"

Nicholas stood up and dashed outside, turning his head all over in search of any nearby people. This girl needed medical attention quick and he could not let someone simply perish like this, nor could he leave her to fend for herself. With a deep breath he called for help the best way he knew.


A few people rounded the corner in response to the cry of help, some others exiting battered storefronts and vehicles. Some stared at the commotion, others were fidgeting with their phones to try to contact the already overwhelmed emergency services. A man exited one of the cars on the street carrying with him a first-aid kit and a towel, rushing over to Nicholas.

"Hey mister! I have first-aid!"

"Yes please, thank you! The girl is in the alley, there...!"

The two moved over to the location of the girl, now with short-term medical assistance in sight. The light drizzle had stopped by now, and the environment was rather quiet save for the faint sirens from every direction. Both began to inspect the wound on the back of the girl's head, which proved to be patchable with bandages for the short term but required urgent medical attention at a hospital. The girl remained silent for the most part, too fatigued by her injuries to utter a word. Yet, she was able to mutter something to the two strangers trying to clean and dress her injuries with what limited supplies they had.

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