Chapter 2- An Incident

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After finding a scrap of metal on one of the victim's bodies, You, Will and Hannibal managed to track down a suspect. Garret Jacob Hobbs. And you were headed to his house, all herded into Will's car.

You opened the window, feeling the breeze and the warm light from the sun on your skin as you sat there, humming to the song on the radio.

The cabin-like house, in the middle of the woods was only a twenty minute drive from one of the main roads, and relatively easy to reach. It was situated in a small cul-de-sac surrounded by woodland, the perfect spot for a potential serial killer, you thought.

Will pulled the handbreak up, unclipped his seatbelt and stepped out of the car. You paused before following close behind, slamming the car door.

Suddenly, the front door swung open. The suspect pushed a woman, presumably his wife, out onto the porch as her neck gushed with blood. It spilled onto the stone tile stairs with crimson.

You sprint behind Will. "Shit!"

He pants as he tries to stop the bleeding whilst he kneels beside the woman, the life draining from her.

"Stay here." You command the man, pulling the gun out of the holster on your hip.

The inside of the house was eerily empty. Quiet.

The man could jump you at any moment. You controlled your breathing, steadying your arm as you reached a tall pillar in the hallway, by the stairs.

Before you could react, the man stabbed you in the abdomen and tore the knife through your flesh.

You hissed in pain before collapsing to the floor in a pile of your own blood.


"Y/N!" Will yelled from behind you, sprinting to your side.

"I'm fine!" You yell, clutching your side in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "He's in the kitchen- and armed. Be careful."

He gives a shaky nod before approaching the kitchen. You hear a scream followed by multiple gunshots.

"Will!" You yell, back leaning against the wall. He doesn't reply.

Hannibal approaches you from behind, seemingly unworried. "Stay calm, Y/N." He whispers as tears well in your eyes.

"Will! Are you okay!?" You shout to the other room as Hannibal moves your clothes out of the way and looks at the wound.

You grab his wrist, his eyes flickering up to yours. "Help Will."

He gives a brief nod before disappearing into the other room. You close your eyes and slump against the floor, clothes stained red.


When you open your eyes again, you see pale blue walls. Investigating the room, you're met with Hannibal's relieved face.

"Y/N.. how are you feeling?" He asks, leaning over your bed.

"Shit." You reply with a groan. "Water.."

He hands a plastic cup to you and you sip it. "How long have I been here?"

His expression dampens, slightly. "Four days. You really gave us a scare."

You sigh and look at the ceiling with a frown. "What am I going to tell Jack?"

He pauses for a moment, perplexed. "What do you mean?"

I tilt my head to face him on the pillow. "I was supposed to be the one looking after Will. Instead.. I've ended up here."

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