❤️Daryl- Not Made To Be A Father

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Y/n was sat in her cell. They had finally found refuge after months out in the open. The prison wasn't necessarily the nicest place to live, but it was secure and that's all they needed. Y/n was sharing a cell with her daddy. He was a 50 year old alcohol who would always look for alcohol whenever he went on a supply run. If there was no alcohol to be found, he would expect y/n to praise him for being sober, as if he has stopped drinking for her, not just because he couldn't find any.

As she sat in her cell behind the curtain which was put up for privacy, she started to change out of her clothes so she was left in her bra and pants. Placing her t shirt and jeans to one side, she dug through her bag to find her spare clothes. But before she could get dressed, her father walked in. He hadn't had alcohol in a long time. And his anger was showing. He was a scary man when he was drunk. But sober? No. Sober he was terrifying. He went to slap y/ns ass making a shiver run down her spine.

"I'm just changing daddy and then I'm gonna wash these clothes. You have anything you'd like me to wash?" Without a word, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto the bed, hovering above her. Y/n didn't know what to do as he started kissing her face. Her daddy was an abusive man. But never had he touched her this way before. She tried to squirm away from his touch but nothing could be done

So she let it happen. There wasn't anything else she could except lie there with her eyes closed and her teeth biting her tongue so she wouldn't scream in pain. Y/n was terrified of alerting everybody else incase they kicked her daddy out the group. Once he was done, y/n got dressed and walked out the cell, leaving her daddy to sleep. It seemed everybody else was already asleep so she went over to daryl dixon on his perch.

Sitting next to him silently, she waited for him to say something. Neither of them were good at conversation but they had grown to be close friends, basically raised together. They lived on the same street. Her grandfather was daryls father's best friend. And her father was close with merle.

"Remember when we'd sit on the roof as kids, trying to see all the stars? You'd hold onto me so if I fell, you'd be able to catch me." Y/n started the conversation

"Ye. Merle always told us to go to the roof whenever ma dad had too much to drink"

"And ma daddy was no where to be found. I'd do anything to go back to those days," daryl scoffed at y/ns comment

"I wouldn't. Atleast ma dad ain't here. I'd rather be killed by some walker than killed by him."

"Ye well...ma daddy is here still so not much has changed for me" y/n smiled at him sadly. Daryl knew y/n got hit on the odd occasion. No where near what him and merle went through. But he still felt bad for her. He had no idea of the truth

"Ye he's still a grumpy bugger," daryl said. Y/n began crying silently, looking down into her lap as her hair fell infront of her. Daryl wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head. It was nothing romantic. Even if she wanted it to be, he'd done this since they were kids

"You sleep with t dog?" Daryl asked

"What? No why would i-"


"He's with Maggie and he's far to young for me"


"Are you crazy? What are you getting at here daryl because I ain't had any action for an awfully long time" y/n laughed nervously

"I fucking knew it" he grumbled standing up as she followed him

"Knew what?"

"That hickey on your neck is from ya old man. Its either from him or one of our group. I can bet my life that it aint hershel," daryl whisper yelled so y/n quickly flung her hand over his mouth, shutting him up

"It's none of your business dixon!"

"Well it is ma business when someone's touching ma girl without her permission," y/n felt like someone was tugging on her heart strings. She was his girl. She'd been his girl since they were 9 and he stuck up for her infront of merle and his friends when they were teasing her for being weak

She held onto his hand tightly. When he turned around to face her again, the tears were still pouring from her face and her lip was trembling

"You're only gonna make things worse. Please. He's been through alot and-"

"So have the rest of us! But that don't mean we've all become rapists!" Daryl told her

"I know I know. But please. He had me when he was 17 daryl! He didn't know what he was doing. He was only a kid and his father was no better. Didn't teach him right. This isn't his fault. I don't want him to leave me and I don't want him dead. So please, don't do anything that's gonna end with me getting hurt." Daryl wrapped his arm around her

"If you had a baby, despite the childhood you were given, would you beat it?"

"What! No of course not," y/n snapped

"Then your father has no excuse either. Look, I ain't gonna hit him if you don't want me to. But from now on, you're sharing a cell with me. And please, don't ever be alone. Your dad wouldn't do anything infront of the group, so make sure you're always around them. Promise me that?" She nodded her head, clinging onto him. That night, they moved all their stuff into a cell.

Y/n could hardly sleep so, she climbed down from top bunk and poked daryl repeatedly in the face

"What?" He asked

"You know when we were kids and we'd camp out together and we only ever had one blanket to share and-"

"Just get in" he huffed, lifting the covers up so she could climb under has he moved over for her. His arm went around her waist and they fell asleep, finally feeling safe

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