Chapter - 30

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Myra mumbled when her mind recognised the figure standing in front of her was not her reflection but her own twin sister.

She gaped like a fish, after almost one and half year she was seeing her sister. She remembered the day, when her sister was admitted in the hospital for her delivery. Myra had convinced her sister's senior doctor to be her assistant during the delivery process. She was the one who held just born Neev in her hands post his birth as her sister was unconscious under anaesthesia's effect.

Scene, where Neil had held his just born baby and was kissing Meera's forehead when she was sleeping under medicine's effect replayed in front of her eyes. She had come to wish her sister hope she would be awake. It was a picture perfect family.

And on the next day, when Neev was detected with symptoms of jaundice, she had come to discuss and take baby Neev with her for further tests. She saw Neil was crying bitterly, slumping on the floor holding one letter in his hands.

She could never understand her own sister. Her sister had everything at her feet but still she left everything ruining everyone's life.

Myra could never guess the reasons behind Meera's walk out. She just knew that her sister left her husband and newly born baby for her selfish reasons of freedom, liberty, and the right to live a life on her own terms and conditions.

'How can she leave Neil? He loved her so much.'

'How can she leave her own baby?'

These questions had haunted Myra in initial days, increasing her instinct to protect the little life. She herself did not understand when her desire to love the newly born turned into motherly love for Neev. Her heart used to break into pieces whenever Neil had brought Neev to hospital for his treatment. She used to leave everything to be around little angel forgetting her own world.

When Dev proposed to her to marry his son, the first thought stroke in her mind was Neev. With this marriage she could be around him to look after. She knew Neil's struggle to handle business and newly born, she was one of the witnesses.

Post marriage, Neev became her world, her strength. She had not expected him to accept her as his mother. She loved him unconditionally.

The moment Neev addressed her as his mother, she was on cloud nine. But by each passing day, there was one corner of her mind used to remind her that she was not his biological mother but Meera was. Just a thought, used to pass shudders down her spine with anticipation of Meera's return.

In her subconscious mind she knew Neil's anger over his first wife would be wiped away the moment she would step in their life again. He will snatch Neev from her and give it to his lovely wife.

When Myra and Neil reconcile and started their journey as Neev's parents, this thought became an ulcer which turned into her nightmares.

"What if she returns back I will lose both of them again." She used to shrug this thought convincing herself and prayed to the lord almighty for Meera's forever abscondment. But other parts of her heart used to curse her for being selfish.

Over the last few months, with Neil's unsaid support, his care, his willingness to accept and flourish their relationship gave new hope to her but his reservations to label their relationship with love used to create doubt in her mind, but her heart always used to win over saying, 'Give him some time... He will be yours soon.'

And today, her worst nightmare was standing in front of her... in her own house with her husband.

'Husband, should I still call him my husband?' Myra turned to her side, it was Neil. He had closed his eyes in frustration. Her fingers were still holding his suit jacket. She gaped like a fish but words could not find her vocal chords.

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