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- trigger warnings!: mentions of death, and also a separate tw for any aromantics in here. y'all might have a love/hate thing for this chapter idk🤷‍♀️

Y/N DIDN'T REMEMBER a thing. recollection was a distant relative in a far country with closed borders. they felt their body shake, attempting to compose themselves in a pitch black room. ' what happened? ' they thought to themselves, hugging their arms close for comfort.

as if on cue, the lights flickered on, revealing a mini room, you being on the floor. there were double doors in front of you and behind you was just pure, abysmal darkness.

glancing back and forth between the darkness and the doors, you decided the best option was the doors. when you got up, you felt surprisingly light to your feet, a weird sensation one would feel when they were giddy or happy. if you were in a frenzy, you'd think you could float if you jumped—an astronaut on the moon.

upon striding forward and placing your hand on the doorknob, you first noticed your wrist being a weird, slightly translucent shade, prompting you to brush yourself off and look down at your entire body. you looked like a ghost that's for sure.

when you went to reach the doorknob again, this time, your hand fizzed through it, making you recoil in surprise. you glanced down at your palm once more before reaching out again. the second time around, you were able to grasp the doorknob properly, turning it to the sound of a single click. ' that's weird. '

you slowly pushed the door open, peaking in the room before stepping through the entire doorway. your gaze swept through the area, eyeing a spacious, extravagant ballroom. the lights were on on the sides of the room, all of them shining on the center dance floor.

upon looking around, the scenery almost reminded you of the festival but a little bit smaller with those circular but abandoned tables scattered along the sides of the room—almost like a beach paved with umbrellas in the sand—leaving the empty dance floor made of smooth oak wood as a free space.

as you inched forward, stepping onto said dance floor while still observing the area, your heels/dress shoes continued to click against the floor, echoing off the dark walls.

before you could fully process where you were, the lights directly on top of the stage switched on, revealing a silhouette standing there that you'd never expected to see, but you damn well anticipated it for a while.

"hola hermosa!" quackity exclaimed, his accent apparent in his voice. "a-alex?" both of you held small smiles on your faces, his gleaming brighter than you could ever remember. "haha yeah! that's me!" he giggled, fixing his beanie on his head.

"c'mon! i wanna dance with you." he jogged downstage right at the front, holding his hand out. you tilted your head, staring at him in awe for a moment before skipping towards the belt of the stage. you put your hand in his, quackity helping you up carefully like the gentleman he is.

once you were on the same floor as him, you both stared into each other's glimmering eyes, feeling your hearts finally beating in harmony. you both missed the feeling of being near each other, basking in presences that went beyond flesh and skin—although cuddling and touching one another was enough to ignite enough life to live within the inhabitable. it was the time apart that made the heart break and crack yet pull itself together by thin strings, knowing that this exact moment would be here all along.

he adjusted to a waltzing position, your right hand extended in his, your left hand resting on his shoulder, while his arm was wrapped gently around your waist, fitting snugly on the small of your back.

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