Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Three weeks ago, Joe got one hell of a wake-up about the reality of his marriage. His feelings spiraled as he processed the information.

His wife cheated.

Most people would be filing for divorce right now but no, Joe wanted to save his marriage. He does not want to lose her, so he's dealing with this pain.

The betrayal that he decided to accept.

Joe was sitting in the dark in their bedroom when Fahayra walked in after spending the night out with her sisters. Sighing in relief she took the heels off her feet, turned the lights on, and jumped in fright when she noticed him.

"Joe, what are you doing?" Fahayra questioned, as she timidly walked closer towards him.

"I hope you weren't with him," Joe stated.

Fahayra shakes her head.

"I was with my sisters. I told you I wouldn't see him ever again plus I think your cousins beat him into a coma," Fahayra said with a chuckle.

"You think it's funny. You cheated me on for five months with this man and got pregnant by him. Was it worth it?!" Joe spat.

Fahayra tensed up.

"No," Fahayra answered, putting her head down.

"Did your sisters know?" Joe asked Fahayra, wanting to know if Fahayra's sisters knew about her cheating on him.

"No, no one knew about him and I," Fahayra answered.

"I have been by your side since we were sixteen years old, Fahayra and this is how you do me. What did I do to deserve this? Why couldn't you just have left me or something? Why cheat?" Joe asked her.

Joe stared at her, wondering where the woman he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with was.

Joe heard a sniffle as her body shook and tears escaped her eyes. Joe placed his arm around her and pulled her in a tight hug.

The next hour or so consisted of Joe soothing Fahayra as she told him everything that she had been holding onto.

After a while, she calmed down and they sat in silence before she tore herself away from his lap and took a deep breath. She looked into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Joe, I take full responsibility for my actions. You don't deserve the headache and humiliation I caused you. You don't deserve the way I have treated you over the years. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that we were over so I could step out. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I should have talked to you or figured things out without cheating on you. I apologize, and I love you, and I hope you forgive me," Fahayra said, leaning back to examine his face and placing her fingertips along his jaw.

Joe moved her hand. Fahayra rested her hands on his chest and looked him over some more before turning away.

"What do you want to do?" Fahayra asked.

Joe looked over towards her purse.

"I need you to go get tested," Joe told her.

"I'm clean," Fahayra said.

Joe shakes his head.

"So you claim but I need documented proof that you are," Joe said.

Fahayra nods.

"Okay," Fahayra said.

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