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Mrs. Sumner's POV
As I walked out of the bathroom, I thought about  the girl. The mysterious girl that was sucking Brooke's beautiful breasts. I didn't think that would be the way I first saw her body, but damn was she beautiful.  I had seen the girl before but I can't recall where. Then it hit me Jessica Desin, she was a little older because she got held back in 1st grade. She was in my first hour class but she never really ever showed up but now I know why. She's shagging girls in the bathroom. Jessica wasn't even really the type of girl I thought Brooke would go for. I've seen Brooke the last couple years and I always thought she was into girls but Jessica was never a girl I thought she would go for. She always seemed like bad news and the type of girl you were bound to get in trouble with. I feel as though I should've known Brooke was into older woman when I would smile at her in the hallways last year and her cheeks would get rosy but I just assumed that was from the weather.

As I made it back to my classroom, I thought about how to start the conversation with Brooke. I hadn't wanted her to know I was upset or think she didn't anything wrong. I mean it's not what I wanted but it was definitely something she wanted. I could tell. Just as I laid down in my couch, the bell for my last class rang.

I walked back to the door to prop it open for students. I waited by the door for any sign of Brooke. I actually had a full last hour. But Brooke was still nowhere in sight.

DING! "i'm going to be late" a text from Brooke.

Brooke's POV
I washed my face after talking with Mrs. Sumner and headed back to the library. I decided to just wait until last hour to talk with her. As the bell rang to end class, I text Mrs. Sumner that I was going to be late. I decided to go back to the bathroom and rinse my face again and think more about what I was going to say to her. I walked to my locker and threw my hoodie in my locker and grabbed my folder and notebook for class. It was already hot and I didn't need anything making me sweat more now that I was nervous. My sports bra clung tightly to my breasts and gave me a slight cleavage with the shape of my shirt. I looked at the mirror in my locker and shut it.

As I walked to class, I kept thinking about what Mrs. Sumner was thinking. I decided to take a breath and relax. I knocked on the door and felt a buzz on my phone. It was my mom "I'm going to call." Shit I had already knocked. The door opened and my phone started ringing. I seen Mrs. Sumner's beautiful face and I could see the sadness she was hiding. In the beginning of school year I never knew when she wasn't unhappy but I've caught on to some of her hints now.

I looked at her "Sorry my mom's  calling me, can I get a sec?" "Yes of course." She stepped back in the room "Continue working on your maps, I'll be back in just a second," she instructed the class as she unlocked her door and let it fall behind her. She stepped into the hall and just looked at me. I went around the corner and called my mom back.

"Hey honey, I just wanted to check on you. You had texted me earlier that you weren't feeling well." Shit I forgot I text her. "Oh yea, Mom I'm okay everything's fine." As I walked in a small circle I hadn't realized it but Mrs. Sumner had followed me. She was a few feet away but she was concerned. "I actually have a class right now." She went on about how I need to be making sure I do my schoolwork and not skipping classes. I guess she had gotten a call about my attendance. "I know mom, I skipped class to study with a friend." Mrs. Sumner gave me a cheeky look and smiled and looked away. I smirked and turned back around. "Mom, I told you I have a class right now, I need to go. My teacher's going to think I'm taking a dump." "Wouldn't want that! Okay sweetie, stay in your classes. See you when you get home, I love you." "Love you too mom, bye."

As I turned around and walked back closer to class, I could feel Mrs. Sumner's glare. "Everything okay?" she asked studying my face. "Yea, she got a call about my attendance but I told her I was in class and that you would think I was taking a shit if I didn't get back," I explained to her. "Oh I would never think such a thing," she grinned and let out a small laugh.

We walked back into class and I assumed Mrs. Sumenr had realized what she witnessed earlier was just a misunderstanding. As I sat my stuff down at my desk, Mrs. Sumner went back to her desk and grabbed a paper. She set it down in front of me. "Victoria, do you think you could help Brooke catch up on the map?" She laid her hand on my shoulder and I felt a huge relief, feeling her touch again. The touch that made all my worries go away. "Yea of course!" Victoria was so full or energy all the time. I hadn't expected the class to be so full. She helped me get caught up on the map and then we moved onto another topic.

As Mrs. Sumner went through the powerpoint, I felt that her eyes laid on me more than they usually did. I'm not sure if it was because of earlier or not. We watched a couple videos about the history and then had a worksheet. I worked with Victoria who stared at my chest more than I ever thought someone could. She hadn't been a girl I thought was into girls. She made a couple funny jokes and I laughed and each time I could see Mrs. Sumner's head lift and look at us in the corner of my eye. After we turned the worksheet in Victoria and I talked more. I never noticed how funny she was, but then again I'm usually pretty quiet and never talk to anyone. She invited me to a party that was happening next Saturday at one of her friend's boyfriend's. She had whispered that there was going to be alcohol and I said "Well then I'll definitely be there" a little louder than I should have. "Damn if that's all it takes to get you hang I'll definitely keep that in mind. You're always so quiet," she laughed. "Oh believe me I'm quiet at first but once I get to know people I never shut up."

The bell rang and she handed me a piece of paper with her number and a little uneven heart next to it. I stacked my things and put the little paper in my pocket. "Okay I'll see you Monday!" She shouted as she walked out the door. "Alrighty!"

Mrs. Sumner's POV
Brooke's seemed to make a friend with Victoria. If I had known w all it took was a little push then I would have introduced them a while ago. She never talked to anyone in class but I'm happy she's made a friend. I don't know if I feel jealous or proud. As I was clearing things up on my desk the bell rang.

After everyone had cleared the room, Brooke walked up to me. "Hey Mrs. Sumner, my mom actually wants me home right after school so I don't have much time to talk," she told me. I had honestly just tried to forget what I had seen. It wasn't really my place to feel or think a certain way about it. I mean after all I had been kind of dry with her lately and blowing her off. I'm not sure if I was avoiding her because of my feeling for her or what. "Oh it's fine hun, it's really not my place," I told her. She gave me a look and said  "Look Mrs. Sumner," she began, trying her best I assume to get the point across quickly. "I didn't mean for you to see that, I mean obviously. I'm really sorry you had to witness that. I don't know if you have to report it or anything, but I truly am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you in any way. I honestly just missed you so much and you seemed like you were blowing me off and I just.. I don't know. I really have no excuse for what I did."

"It's fine Brooke, really. I was upset for a bit but it's not my place and that makes you happy then I'm happy for you." "However, I do want more details about Victoria, she's such a ball of energy," I laugh and she laughs with me. "Oh of course! But I really do need to get going so I don't miss the bus," she talked so fast so barely understood her for a second. "Oh, right. Have a great weekend sweetie!" She grabbed her things and zipped out the door.

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