Keep Your Friends Close...

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knock knock knock

Kokichi glanced at the door.

"Kokichi? It's me, Shuichi! I'm sorry I forgot my keycard, I can't access my room right now."

Kokichi got up, but paused for a second. 

"What were we doing before we went to the gymnasium for the motive?"

"We were training with Maki and Kaito."

Kokichi breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door. Shuichi was there, looking down at him sheepishly.

"Neeheehee! What's wrong my dear friend? Cat got your tounge?" 

Shuichi just glanced at his room. 

"I'm not so sure about Saihara."

"Isn't he basically you? Why don't you trust yourself?"

"Well, something just seems off about him. And he's been staring us down pretty hard."

Kokichi looks off to the side, "Well, I've noticed that too. But we shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet, maybe he's just weird? Like you!" 

Shuichi rolled his eyes, but seemed slightly at ease. 

"Ok then, I'll still keep a close eye on him. I suggest you do the same." 

"Noted." replied Kokichi. He was going to do that anyway, he's glad Shuichi's on his side without him having to accuse his other half.

"Sooooooo, Shuichi?"


"Do you want to stay in my room?" Kokichi glanced at Shuichi, Shuichi blushed slightly.

"I-! I can't ask that of you! Like you said, me and him are the same people, so it shouldn't be too weird sharing the room with him."

Kokichi sighs. "Ok then, how about you stay in here for me?" Kokichi hated to admit it, but he didn't want to be left alone tonight. He's probably just paranoid but staying together is probably better for both him and Shuichi. 

Shuichi seemed to perk up. He probably wanted the same thing, Kokichi laughed. 

"Go get your PJs and let's have a slumber party!"


"Monokuma, what is this????" 

Kokichi saw Monokuma enter his room, with Saihara in tow. 

Monokuma smirked, at least more than usual, saying "Saihara said he felt terribly lonely, and would love to sleep in your room!" 


Shuichi, supposedly hearing the ruckus, quickly came to the door. 

"What's happening? What are you two doing here?!" 

Monokuma and Saihara's attention was directed to Shuichi.

Saihara beamed "Hi Shuichi! I get to sleep with Kokichi tonight, isn't this great!?" 

Shuichi became annoyed. "No, I was going to sleep with Kokichi, don't you see my pajamas?"

Saihara had a slight edge in his voice, "Oh come on, I'm the newest member in this group, aren't I? I think I should be the one taking part in these 'team building' activities."

"Fine, we can have 'team building activities'" replied Shuichi. 

He turned to Monokuma.

"Monokuma, why don't we have a big sleepover tomorrow night? That way, everyone can be invited."

"Fufufufu!" Monokuma was delighted "That would be a great opportunity for some killings! Thrills, Chills, Kills!" 

He disappeared in a hurry after finishing his stupid catchphrase.

"Did you hear that, Saihara?" Kokichi asked. "We'll have a sleepover tomorrow, now get going. No one likes a party crasher."

Saihara pouted but left after giving Kokichi a quick peck on the cheek.

"Ughh I hate that guy!" Kokichi screamed, rubbing at his face.

"Sorry Kokichi, I have no idea why he's acting like that. Maybe Monokuma changed him for the motive?"

"Whatever, let's just go to bed."

"Ok, goodnight Kokichi."

"Wait! What are you doing on the floor?" Kokichi called.

"Um, sleeping?"

"No! Get up here, we're friends, aren't we? Let's not let Saihara change anything."

Shuichi smiled and quickly climbed into bed with Kokichi. 

"Goodnight Kokichi" Shuichi wrapped his arms around Kokichi and quickly fell asleep. 

"Goodnight" muttered Kokichi, but he was too worried about Saihara to go to sleep yet. How was he supposed to survive the sleepover with him? Will he just have to stay up and watch him all night? Surely Shuichi had a plan...

 Kokichi forced himself to go to sleep, he wanted to be able to go to breakfast with Shuichi in the morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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