Chapter #23

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(AN: Okay so I'm not sure if the manga is diffrent but I'm doing this based on the anime and it doesn't have much info after the main kids escpaing soooooo lets just begin.)

We've been here a for about three years, we got all the kids, now I think, it's finally our turn.


"Y/n get up already would ya?" Ray asked. Emma began shaking Y/n. "What?" She asked sleepily. Norman chuckled. "Daisy it's time to go." Norman said. "Go where?" Y/n complained turning over still sleepily. "Just come on." Norman laughed pulling Y/n up. They had been staying in the tunnels Mujika and Sonju made. 

Once Y/n finally got up they headed out. "Where are we going again?" She asked. "God are you that clueless?" Ray asked. Cislo and Barbara laughed. Y/n rolled her eyes. "Hey when we get to the human world what do you guys want to do? I know I've asked before, but thats when we were like five." Emma laughed. "I want to make friends." Barbara said. "I want to go to school." Cislo said. "You guys are so lame." Ray said. "Oh like you have something more interesting." Norman smirked. "I didn't think I'd make it this far so I didn't think about it." Ray said. "Oh wow like thats so much more cool." Norman said. "Emma do you still want to ride a giraffe?" Y/n asked. Emma laughed. "Is that really what I said?" Emma asked. Y/n and Norman nodded. "You were so pationate about it." Norman said. "Well then, I gusee when we get there I want to ride a giraffe." Ema cheered. "And I want to just grow up with all of you." Norman smiled. He turned to Y/n. "What about you?" He asked. "Same as eight years ago." Y/n smiled. "You still wanna fall in love?" Cislo asked. Y/n nodded.  Barbara grinned. "And the games are still on." She whispered to Y/n. "And I'm ready to play." Y/n grinned back. 

Soon they arrived at the elevator again. "Are you guys sure you're ready?" Emma asked. Everyone nodded except Y/n. "What's wrong?" Norman asked. "Nothing lets get the hell outta here." Y/n said, causing everyone to chuckle. As they aproched the door, it felt too good to be true. Norman took out the pen and slowly opened to door. Vincent was waiting on the other side. He'd pick  up the kids and bring them where they needed to be. 

When Vincent looked he didn't see any other kids, just the seven satnding there, by themselves. His eyes gilensed. "You're done, aren't you?" He asked. Norman nodded. "I'll take you to the rest. You know. You guys have a strong faimly. They were always together." Vincent said. Y/n ran to him and pulled him down by the shirt. "I don'y know what the hell was wrong with me but I need my guitar, take me to them now!" Y/n insisted.  Everyone laughed. "Okay okay, I'll fill you all in on how it went while you guys were gone. 

Vicent told them they got a house big enough for the all of them (stfu don't aks how, the gorverment felt bad or something) and everyone had began going to school and was enjoying themselves, but the kids did ask about the seven a lot, hoping they were okay. As for the other kids. Some went to other mothers and some were put in foster care, others got help if they had bad inguries or trama.  

Soon they all arrived at a lake. The eight began walking, but then Y/n shoved past them all, sprinting at full speed when she saw Rossi. She couldn't bare another second without him. She had wtched him grow up, she felt like his mom. She sprung on him, suprisnging him and everyone else around him. They all looked up and saw the rest. 

"Y/n you're back!" Rossi said happily. She got a good look at Rossi and smiled. "God you've grown so much in just a year." She said. "You look dirrent too Y/n!" Rossi smiled. She looked up and saw Nat. "I got a piano, and it's all mine!" He said excidedly. Y/n poped up. "That's great, now we can really play togetehr!" Y/n said. She said hi to all the other kids and mom, then it was time to go back. 

"Y/n, Emma, and Barbara you guys get to share a-" "YES!" All the girls cheered. The year of being on the demon side made them all get closer and now the three were best friends. The three girls ran in the room. Norman and Cislo laughed. "They get excited over the smallest thing." Norman shook his head. "And then we can make those freindship breacelts Gilda was talking about." Emma said. "Yeah!" Y/n laughed. "You girls don't stay up too late, and remeber school next week." Mom said smiling, taking the boys to their rooms. 

"This is gonna be so fun!" Emma squealed. "Hell yeah!" Y/n agreed. Barbara put her arms around the two. "So, who is gonna be the room desinger?" Barbara asked grinning. "How about we all three draw a room desong and pick the best?" Emma siad. Teh other two agreed and then they began looking for paper and pens.

The boys room were decently far from the girls, there room consist of two bunk beds. "And you four get this room, sorry you guys are far. I let te kids pick rooms and these were the two left." Mom smiled. "It's fine, thank you mom." Norman said. Norma, Ray, Cislo, adn Zazie walked into the room. "What were they so excited about?" Ray asked ploping on one of the beds. "Hey you don't just get to pick one!" Norman said. Ray laughed. "Too late." Ray said. "Ray I am not sleeping on the top bunk, and plus these guys are way taller they need to bottoms." Norman said. "Ughhhh." Ray complained. "Do you guys hear that too?" Cislo asked. "What?" Norman asked turning to him. "The girls I can hear them laughing from here." He said. Norman chuckled, "you're right."

Ray put a pillow over his face. "They're already getting on my nerves." Ray groaned. "Oh let them live a little, they finally made it to the human world, their proablly really happy." Norman said. "Hey, you guys getting setaled in?"

 Vincent asked. Norman nodded. "Did you figure out, the thing?" Norman asked in a serious tone. Vincent sighed. "No, I'm really sorry boss- Norman. I don't even know how it works. The only logical way would to remove it but all the docotrs I reaserched and asked help from in this area said it's too dangerous." Vincent said upset. "We have to figure something out then." Norman said listining to the laugh of the girl a couple rooms down.

A knock apeared in the girls door. Emma opened in and it was Rossi. "I think Y/n wants this." Rossi help out her guitar. Y/n didn't wasit a second getting to it. She started checking for any sctratches, then stopped. "I know you kept it safe." She smiled. Rossi soluted and Nat walked up. Want to play a song?" He asked Y/n nodded. "Come on you guys. She smiled to the two girls. Soon everyone was downstairs, playing with each other, talking and just listing to the music being played by Y/n and Nat.

Dr. Normal and Daisy  (Norman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now