Hana's message

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He opened the laptop and began to watch the video on the laptop

"Hi jungkook,I hope you are doing good and I hope you are healthy. I think you are watching this after i left . Actually jungkook i wanted to tell you something from so long but i didn't gather the courage to tell you but now I can't keep it to myself. Do you know why Y/n left the country,why she left us,.......
jungkook she left because of us for us jungkook she left you for your happiness because she loved you jungkook not as a friend but as a man . She loved you more than her own self,she never even think about her happiness when it comes to you. And you too love her jungkook i have seen it in your eyes , you know when she was leaving that day I realised how much you love her . The way you were crying for her ,the way you were stopping her from leaving,only true love can do this. But unfortunately one day i came in your life , i think I came in between you two jungkook. I had always seen love in her eyes for you but still I always ignore it for my selfishness. I was being selfish that time and I guess that's why now I'm suffering from this deadly disease. I know jungkook that I haven't told you about my disease,I know you will be worried that's why I didn't tell you .

I know you love me jungkook but i have seen a pure and never ending love for her in your eyes ,the way your eyes shines when you talk about her ,the way your smiles made it's way whenever someone mention her. I think you were just attracted towards me because you loved Y/n from the starting........
Jungkook the disease is eating me slowly and I guess I'll leave you soon and I don't want you to be alone after I'm gone. So I want you to find Y/n jungkook please find her ,she needs love jungkook,she deserves love ,she sacrificed her happiness for us ,for you so now it's your turn to make her happy to make her feel the love she always craved for . Please jungkook it's my last wish please find her and give your love to her jungkook. Her soul only craved for love . I'm so sorry jungkook for not telling you this earlier,if I had told you this earlier then everything would have been different ."

I always loved you jungkook

----- KIM HANA

Jungkook pov

Again my eyes become moist because of the video. I found out this video after Y/n left me and after some moth Hana too left me . Hana was suffering from cancer and she hadn't told me about this and was suffering all alone, and when she left I found out her message and realised why Y/n left me . She always loved me but my dumbass never realised it , i always thought it's just care and love as a friend but it was love , pure innocent love for me.

"Now I'm desparate to find you Y/n" i stand up and close the laptop and close my eyes

"Hana and Y/n i miss you both so much. Why you both left me alone" I begin to walk and put the laptop in my wardrobe.

"But don't worry Hana , I'll fulfill you last wish . Soon I'll find her. I'll give you the love you deserve Y/n" I was lost in my thoughts until mom banged my door

"Jungkook are you inside your room?"she questioned me

"Yeah mom"i replied to her and wipe my tears

"But you told me you were in library. Forget it are you done with your important work?" She asked me and i opened my room door for her

"Yeah mom.im done"I spoke and gesture her to sit but she declined

"Alright then go and get ready you are getting late for your dinner date"I made a annoying face at her statement

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