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(Oh yay we're back)


Madeline goes with Darla so that the parents don't hurt Darla mentally.

"We're here. Are you still sure you want to do this?" Asked Madeline.

"Yes." Darla replied.

They wait and the parents came.

"Oh hello brat." Said Starla.

"What do you mean brat? You're literally the one to talk!" Madeline replied to Starla.

"Don't you dare talk to my wife like that." Threatened (James) Charles.

"As if you can do anything old man!" Madeline said with confidence.

"I wanted to know how both of you are doing." Said Darla.

"You're the reason we're in this shit hole brat."

Madeline was about to break the glass to beat up the parents but (unfortunately) refrained herself from doing so.

"Once we are out, we will get custody of you and you will live with us whether you like it or not." Said Charles (Darwin).

"God. Shut up." Said Madeline clearly mad.

"Please calm down Madeline." Said Darla.

"Of course." Madeline replied a bit more calm.

Starla spoke up, "you heard your father. You will live with us. Maybe we will escape and kidnap you. Maybe we won't."

Darla got scared. She didn't want to live with her parents again. Her older sister Ashlynn took her own life because of her parents and her other older sister Dahlia ran away to God knows where.

Charles (Dickens) added on, "oh Darla~ you will be in so much trouble once we get out."

Madeline snapped and ran out. The next thing you know, she was on the side where the parents were and beat them up while a person covered Darla's eyes and another gave her earmuffs.

(It's true I was the glass.)

(And I was the earmuffs)

Once that was all done, they went home.

"So how was it?" Asked Sasha.

"It went well!" Madeline replied.

(Is this another cliff hanger or something?)


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