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As Zoro and Shrek look at what was making the sound, they both look 90 degrees to notice it's a donkey. As he looked back, Zoro noticed Shrek sighing. He wasn't sure if he wanted to ask what's wrong so he huffed and decided to not go forth with it. He wasn't exactly close to Shrek so he could listen into what they were talking about. This 'donkey' was.... Not exactly good at whispering so he kinda knew they were talking about him. Since he had enough, head the courage to walk over to them, in a menacing way not that he means it though.

"What're you talking about.." he says glaring directly at the donkey, Shrek calls friend. Zoro could slightly see sweat dripping down the donkey's face, feeling a little anxious at the presence of a human. Donkey replied "W-well.. We were talking about.. How nice the woods look!-"Zoro knew it was total bullshit but it didn't stop him from trying to get the donkey to own up. Zoro wasnt from here so he didn't expect him to get some nice treatment. He stared at the donkey for a while and shrugged it off. It didn't bother him to be exact, Zoro wanted to trust Shreks companion, who's... a donkey.

He rolls his eyes playfully, smirking to himself. he thought it was extremely weird. This world was weird. As he shook it off, he wanted to ask a question. "What's this world like, donkey?" Zoro asked with a confused look but with some integrity. Donkey looked at Zoro with a surprised face, but not understanding. "Well to me it's alright, being an animal can be tough since the humans here are... difficult." he said feeling a little nervous. Because of Chopper, Zoro didn't mind animals. Though Zoro was confused, he wondered what donkey meant.

But as to that, the donkey had a light bulp on the top of his head. An idea. He smirked slyly as he looked towards shrek playfully. "So... as me and shrek were whispering to eachother it seems shrek has taken a... liking to you." he said smirking still, feeling a little devious. Zoro looked at the both of them, wondering what they meant. I mean sure Zoro knew what they were talking about, kind of. Zoro crossed his arms wondering what his response back should be...

"Well that's nice to know I guess... People say I'm a stern guy. I can be quite serious, since I like to fight an' all." he said pointing to his swords at the side of his hip. But also donkey and Shrek noticing thr scar on his left eye. Though Zoro sighs, missing home, missing The Thousand Sunny. But all Zoro could do is try and find a way out of this other world, somehow. "Even so, you seem like a good guy, who can be looked up too." Shrek said, smiling a little, scratching his cheek slightly. Zoro didn't exactly know how he felt about these guys, they were new but they seemed like chill kind of creatures.. He liked their company.

You could say they are definitely not like Luffy. They were calm, and collected. Zoro was in his thoughts until he heard a sudden coughing sound, he was confused and he looked up to notice shrek. "Shrek? What's wrong, you getting a cold?'' Zoro said, intrigued but sounding a little worried. Shrek seemed a little flustered, looking away quickly.

To Zoro, when shrek blushed or had a slight pinkish tone on his ears or cheeks he'd feel a certain way, his face would light up and his mind would explode. To him this was a new emotion. Something he has never felt before.. "What is this?" he asked, whispering.

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