Saint's Log: An Insight on Insights

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"I forgive mortals for treating insights like Very Interesting Thoughts, but tell me, have you ever had a realisation so profound it hollowed your understanding of reality?"

"Off the top of my head? Can't say I have."

"Then you have never truly had an insight. Yes, you meditate and discover yourself, your path, your chosen magic and all its teachings. These are the divine tidbits that end up stored in your stoneiris, sure. But if you ask me what divine insight is, my definition starts at its capacity to fundamentally change. Once you have had an insight, there is no going back. The life that precedes it is locked away forever, and the only way left is forward."

"And the only way right?"

"Perhaps there is weight to the rumour that Ascendeds sacrifice their sense of humour for godhood."

"The Divine Tragedy" (Cicicus 1.5.12-17)

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