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Chapter 9: Forbidden Fruit

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My heart raced as I watched Millie's trembling hand hover over the buttons labeled "Cooperate" and "Betray." The sound of the ten second timer ticked mercilessly.

"Five, four, three..."

With the eerie orange hue enveloping her, Millie's hand smashed a button. From my distance, I couldn't quite make out which button she chose.

I tried wriggling out of the twisted roots that constrained me, causing Millie to return to help, but their coils were tight around my calves and caused me to wobble off balance instead.

"Ten seconds is once again on the clock," the automated female voice announced. "You can now make your decision...Tobias."

As I struggled for release, Tobias's restraints uncoiled from his legs, setting him free. He exchanged a quick, uncertain look with Sonya. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between them, and with a nod from Sonya, Tobias stepped forward and pressed a button just as the countdown reached its climax.

With their decisions locked in, I waited with bated breath for the host Chuck Gillian's voice to return to the speakers.

"And with that, folks. The results are in," he chimed with an extra air of confidence. "Now remember, the rules were simple. Each pair must decide, cooperate or betray. Cooperation means both can prosper, while betrayal could spell doom. However, if one sibling pair chooses to cooperate, while the other decides to betray, the betraying pair will gain a significant advantage while the other a disadvantage. It's a true test of trust and strategy, where the bonds of blood are pitted against the instinct for self-preservation."

The host's voice carried through hidden speakers in the forest and broke the silence that had settled around us. "Looks like our twin team of Kamila and Millicent chose to..." there was a pause. "Cooperate."

Relief washed over me. Millie had made the right choice on our behalf, but the weight of the game still pressed down on my shoulders.

If the others decided to betray, we were doomed.

He continued, "While our brother and sister team of Tobias and Sonya chose...to cooperate as well!"

Sonya's eyes met mine, and there was a flicker of something in her gaze. It wasn't just suspicion or competition; it was a spark of understanding. In this brutal game, we were all struggling to survive.

The host continued, "We will announce the advantage you all will receive at the next installment of this Grimm Game challenge, part three the final challenge of Hansel and Gretel's Enchanted Forest. The games will resume shortly."

The speaker died, the lights grew dim, and the roots that held Sonya and I in place finally loosened, returning to the ground they sprouted from like tentacles.

I assessed Millie's body language, debating if I should attempt to hug her to celebrate our victory or not. Also, I took note that Sonya and Tobias hadn't hugged or congratulated each other yet either. Millie only dropped to her knees in the dirt, exhausted.

"You did good." I nodded at Millie and Tobias. "It was the right choice."

She nodded and huffed. "I need food and rest. We should find a safe zone quick."

Tobias glanced between each of us. "Stick together?" he offered.

Sonya hesitated for a moment, then nodded in reluctant agreement. "Alright, but no tricks."

Tobias added, "Agreed. Let's find this safe zone."

I went to Millie to help her up as the brother-sister siblings trekked toward one of the openings in the perimeter of the trees.

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