Chapter 74

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In the end, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Other than the one lady following a bit too closely for my liking, there were no problems. They ventured the occasional question about the Stronghold in general, but that was it.

I exhaled in relief as I stepped out of the trees. Four people and two trucks were waiting for us. I was glad that I had tied those orange ribbons to the tree so they would know where to wait. A couple of the waiting people came forward to welcome the strays that staggered out of the forest behind me.

I was relieved of babysitting duty as the strays were guided to the truck beds for the ride back. One of the drivers approached me, "Can we offer you a lift? I know the back might be a bit crowded for you, but you can ride in the passenger seat."

I glanced at the trucks, "You won't get me in the back when it is that crowded, but I can grab the front seat."

He nodded and gestured to the truck he had been sitting in. I walked around to get into the passenger seat. The driver happened to be part of the archery group and would know to give me my space. Those in the back of the truck would likely not think anything of sitting right beside me since they had no clue that I was actually a Nightstalker.

I didn't bother with a seatbelt and neither did anyone else since the trucks weren't driving that fast. The trucks headed back toward the Stronghold. The driver glanced at me and spoke quietly, "I heard that you asked for Nina to be present when this group arrives?"

I nodded, "Yes, one of the men is infected. The scent is very faint, but it is there. He won't turn for a day or so yet."

He nodded slowly and focused on the road as he detoured around a normal zombie. The rest of the ride back was silent although I could hear those in the back happily chatting with the other local who had given up the front seat for me.

We rounded a corner and the gates came into view. I saw a dozen people waiting and recognized Nina and Daniel as they stood off to the side. The gates opened as we approached and we came to stop just inside.

Nina headed toward me while glancing at the newcomers. Daniel was taking deeper breaths as he was scenting the air. I got out of the truck and went to meet her halfway.

I kept my voice down, "One of the men is infected, although it was probably quite recent considering how faint the scent is. I was practically right beside them before I picked it up."

Her eyes scanned the four men, "Which one?"

"I am not entirely sure. They haven't spread out while I was close enough to scent them."

Nina knew that if I had barely picked up the scent then Daniel wouldn't be able to. Nina looked at the group, "Well, we have to figure out who it is before they go any further into the Stronghold. You and Daniel have turned so it would take a direct bite or blood contamination for you two to spread the virus, but in the stage before a person actually turns it is much more contagious."

Nina dug a pen and stack of labels out of her pocket before turning to the group and calling out, "Okay. Can I please get the newcomers to line up for me? I am going to give you a name tag."

I would have never thought of that tactic. They obediently lined up and Nina looked at them before nodding at the man on the one end, "Please come up one at a time and spell your name for me. You first, sir."

He walked up while the rest remained where they were. Nina started writing his name as I took a slow breath, but his scent was clean. I shook my head slightly since Nina was watching me out of the corner of her eye. I transferred my gaze to the lineup.

One by one they came forward. As the third man stated his name I crossed my arms and let a low growl out that Nina would probably just be able to hear. Daniel tensed up and Nina nodded while she finished writing his name and passing the man his label.

The Virus Within (Original rough draft)Where stories live. Discover now