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You looked up at gojo after hearing he teaches, you started to write down on your computer "Wow, what subject?"

"Hmm... It's a small school to be honest, so I do a little bit of everything."

Occupation: high school teacher, teaches "a little bit of everything"

You hum in understanding as you type notes, careful to not ask too many questions so you don't intrude on his personal privacy. "Mhm, of course. Let's see... normal temperature, respiration, perfectly good blood pressure and heart rate... Oh, it seems you have low blood sugar?" You look up from the screen with a raised eyebrow. "How has that been going? Any issues?

"Oh!" Gojo-san considers his own hands for his moment, before running his fingers through his hair and shrugging. "I really only had issues with it maybe ten, twelve years ago? Hasn't caused any problems since then, but it did leave me with a huge sweet tooth."

A genuine smile peeks out of your mouth at that, along with a small laugh. "I get you. Have you ever tried the bakery down south, just past the university campus? It's a little cafe tucked away in a small alley, but their strawberry tarts are to die for."

"Are they? I'll make sure to drop by on my way home." He returns your smile with his own, and for a second you feel like you might become blind from the amount of light seemingly radiating from his face.

Get it together. You have 20 minutes until your next check-up, keep it professional.

You let out a small breath, pulling on the nitrile rubber gloves on the counter and letting them snap on. "Everything seems great so far, so I'm just going to continue with some other physical check-ups before I let you go. These'll just be some standard tests to make sure your body's doing okay. Sound good?"

"Yeah, do I need to take anything off, or...?"

"Nope, you're fine." You motion for him to sit still, taking the stethoscope around your neck and putting in the ear tips before sliding the metal chest piece up from under his shirt towards the left of his sternum. "Sit up straight and take a deep breath, okay?"

The rest of the exam goes off without a hitch, and you're not surprised to see zero issues popping up as you continue. His lungs sound great, his heart beat is steady, and there seem to be no further problems with his lymph nodes, organs, or any other extremities. By the time you're done, you're pleasantly surprised to find that you've finished 2 minutes early.

"Alright!" You slip the gloves off your hands, chucking them in the trash as you go to wash your hands. "You're all set. Is there any form you need me to sign from your employer, or...?"

"Oh! I do, actually. If I can just find it again..." He hops off the chair, rummaging through his pockets before finally pulling out a rumpled piece of paper. "If you could just sign at the bottom..."

You take the paper from his hands, smoothing it out on the desk.

Date: XX/XX/2016

This document is to confirm that Gojo Satoru has completed his Annual Physical Exam at one of the following hospitals:

University of Tokyo Hospital ✔
Juntendo University Hospital
Tohto Bunkyo Hospital
Sanraku Hospital
Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital

All exam results will be given to Jujutsu Tech for review and consideration.




Medical License No.                                                            

Humming as you skim through the paper, you quickly reach the end and scrawl your name and signature at the bottom. But before you can even finish filling out today's date, Gojo -san's hand reaches over your shoulder to point at the empty space just right of the line.

"And could I get your phone number over here as well?"


You keep your eyes on the paper, pursing your lips together before moving the pen to the empty space he's pointing at.

"Of... course. I'll give you my office number and extension, so if you or your employer have any questions, you can reach out to me and my medical assistant any time." You muster another smile onto your face as you finish filling out the rest of the form, handing it over to him as you look up. "Did you need anything else, like a fax number or a business card?"

He considers you for a second, eyes flitting between you, and the form you just signed. You can tell that there's more he wants to ask, and you don't really think you want him to ask it, so you continue smiling obliviously while putting your pen away.

Thankfully, he gets the signal and shoves the paper into his back pocket. "Perfect. Thank you so much, (L/N)-san ." You freeze up as his hand suddenly reaches out to your shoulder, brushing something away.

"Sorry, just saw some dust there." He gives you a wink, eyelashes fluttering before popping his sunglasses back on.

The smile on your face stiffens as you stand up to open the door for him, waving goodbye.

"That's 'Doctor' to you, Gojo-san."


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