Part 23 - Can you see me?

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I feel like a ghost
when I walk past you
I don't feel seen by you
when you look into my eyes
do you see through me
or I'm just so invisible
that you can't seem to notice me
should I walk the other direction?
so you can walk right beside me
can you not feel my hand?

When I slowly brush pass you
I'm not here in your presence?
that you can't seem to sense me
am I not here so you can like me
don't you see me when I around
I am just a ghost you walk
right pass through
I'm not here to be seen
don't I exist anymore
I'm just so crazy
that you might not see me anymore
no more waves and hugs
can you not sense me right here
do you just ignore me now
don't you love me anymore.

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