6. Smooth

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By the end of the day, Sera was proud to say that her and forest man have spent an entire day together. He gave her a tour of their office first and then the gym downstairs where all the actual classes take place. This place was definitely huge. She checked out their pages after that and tried to study their style, what needs to be worked on, what to enhance. Meanwhile, forest man was on his desk working, ready for when she had a question or comment.

At some point, when he got hungry, he asked Sera what did she want to order for lunch. Even though Sera declined politely, the delivery guy still came with two sandwiches and two water bottles. She was about to melt right then and there.

She had the urge to take a picture of them captioned 'first day at work with my husband' with a kissy face, but stopped herself.

Just when she was saying goodbye to forest man, Jamie opened the office door and entered without knocking.

"Oh, I didn't expect to find our little intern here still." There's that bright smile again.

"You must like it here, then?" He asked casually.

"Of course I do, Mr.Reed was really nice and patient with me today." Sera couldn't help but sneak a glance at Rowan and give him the best smile she could muster.

She wasn't lying, he was really kind with her throughout the day. He explained things slowly for her, constantly kept checking if she had any questions, and was patient with answering all of her questions and accepting her comments. He even ordered her food even though she said she didn't want any. When he saw that she finished her sandwich, he held back a smile and tried not to tease her but Sera could tell he wanted to.


"Oh, really?" Came Jamie's response, he looked at Rowan with an amused expression, almost as if teasing him. "He's normally colder than this, wonder what's gotten into him. You know, you probably noticed he's not really the talking type." He continued, his eyes still on Rowan, who in return looked like he was about to kill him any second.

"It's okay, we can work on that." Sera found herself blurting.

Wait, what?

Jamie cleared his throat to hide his surprised laugh which quickly turned into a cough. She turned towards Rowan to see him looking back at her while battling with showing a teeny tiny smile.

"Uh I meant," She tried to fix the situation but nothing really was coming to mind, there was no saving herself out of this one.

"I don't know." She mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Anyway, you'll be joining us tomorrow, correct?" Jamie asked, the smile still not leaving his face.

"Yes, but I'll be coming in the afternoon since I have a class in the morning. Hope that's okay." The smile returned to her face quickly.

"Of course, of course." Jamie then turned to Rowan, "Actually, maybe Rowan could give you a ride here after you're done, he'll be in the area so why don't you come together?"

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he suggested it and it didn't go unnoticed by Sera, but she didn't really know what it meant.

"It's okay, I can come on my own, I don't want to be a bother or any-.." She was cut off but the ASMR voice again.

"I'll pick you up." Rowan said in a final tone.

She was definitely not negotiating after that.

"Thank you." She turned to him, her hands locked behind her back, "Should I give you my number?" She suggested, "In case something comes up or so we could meet up."


Forest man didn't say anything but he picked up his phone that was laying on the desk, unlocked it and gave it to her silently.

She wanted to high five herself.

She quickly added her number in and saved it under 'Sera Wynn' in case he knows other Sera's, she hoped he didn't.

"Cool." She handed the phone back to him and gave him yet another big smile, "I'll see you tomorrow!" She almost skipped her way out of the office.

Jamie's smirk was again noticed by Sera and she wondered what that was about. She really didn't want to jump to conclusions or analyze every little thing so she just let it go.

That night when Sera was working on their upcoming presentation, she got a text from Wes asking about her first day. She couldn't stop her excitement and immediately called him to gossip about forest man.

"I really wanna get to know him better, Wessy." She admitted, "He has this sort of shell that he hides behind, it's so interesting to see him manage this establishment while still being a man of few words." She explained.

"Girl, that's kinda hot, you know what they say about the quiet ones." Wes said in a suggestive tone as he threw skittles in his mouth.

"I want to go inside that shell with him, I don't know, it's weird!" She huffed after a pause, "Like I want to see how his mind works and for that he has to let me into his shell, I don't want to force my way in and make him uncomfortable." Sera hugged her knees to her chest and looked back at Wes through the screen.

"Sera, baby, that's called a crush." He said in a matter of fact voice as if she was stupid, "And second, you're the most bubbly, extroverted person I know, I don't think befriending him would be a difficult task for you."

"Awww, thank you." Sera laughed, "You just wait and see, I'll be his bestest friend in the entire office."

I kinda feel like this is slightly boring, is it boring??

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