~'Chapter 1'~

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Ganymede's POV:

I've been feeling pretty down in the dumps lately. I sent the others to go look for moons to help us with the moon revolution, heh, i sound so cool saying that... Anyway, I noticed that Titan has been looking pretty... uh.... How do i say this?... ...depressed? I mean, I don't even know why. He's just soft, is all. He needs to learn that moons like him have responsibilities, and how people's actions have consequences on them. (haha foreshadowing) Anyway (x2), I haven't been feeling great recently. My relationship with Europa has been a bit rocky lately, but I know she still loves me... Right?

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Europa In a while. I need to go look for her...

I'm searching in the asteroid belt. None of the moons are to be seen. I saw some movement earlier, but that was just the creepy dwarf planet that hides in here. It's been probably around 20 minutes of searching. I'm about to give up, but then I hear something...

It kinda sounds like... Wait. Europa?!

I quickly look through the asteroids and sure enough, It's Europa. But she's talking to... ...Callisto. Of course she is. She always wants to hang out with that emo wannabe chick. But it looks like she's... enjoying herself. Not as much as when we hang out, that's for sure. She's laughing and talking and smiling and... complimenting Callisto and... blushing and- Wait, what?! There's no way. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that she could be blushing. My eyes just need to get checked out. This is absurd.

I look closer but... the blush doesn't seem to go away. I... No! There could be a million reasons for why she's blushing! It's not like she... likes Callisto... UGH!! Ganymede, get a grip! You're not thinking straight!

I really need to talk to her... but she's having fun... Whatever. I'm gonna talk to her anyway.

I move some asteroids to get closer to them, making a bit of noise. Europa turns to me as her blush precipitously disappears.

"Heyy, Europe, can we...Talk?"
"Sure, Gany!"
She turns to Callisto.
"Bye Callisto!!"
"Bye Europe~"

"Hey! That's my nickname for her!" I sternly reply.

Can't believe Callisto would try to use that nickname on her. Pfft!! Why would she even wanna use that nickname in the first place?... Hmm.... Ugh, Stop over-thinking, Ganymede! I need to talk to Europa.

Me and Europa are in a different part of the asteroid belt. No signs of terrestrial objects here

"So... why did you wanna talk about?" she says.

"I uhh..."

I hesitate from speaking, but take a deep breath

"Europa, do you actually love me?"

She looks at me in surprise. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. It was too blunt.

"I- Wait, you don't have to answer tha-"

I'm interrupted by Europa hugging me. It feels...nice.

"Of course I love you gany! Don't even, like, worry!, I'll always love you."

After a bit, we part from the hug.

"Thank you Europa... I always knew I could trust you."

"Aww! Gan-gan! That's so sweet!"

Man, I love her so much...

<Time skip>

It's been a bit since I had a 'talk' with Europa, I'm glad she loves me, I don't know what I'd do if she didn't. But... I still haven't been seeing her lately. She keeps talking with... Callisto. Ugh. That emo bitch is trying to steal my girlfriend, I bet.

As I'm thinking about the whole situation, my throat gets a bit itchy. I cough and...


What the fuck.

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