~'Chapter 2'~

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Ganymede's POV:

Alright so... I just coughed up some flower petals. I don't know how or why, but I'm kind of freaking out. I need to ask some of the planets to see if they know anything about this.

I guess ill ask Jupiter first. He's smart, right?

I walk up to Jupiter.

"Oh hey Ganymede. Need something?" he says.

"Uhm, yeah... I kind of... need to ask you something?"

"Sure. what's the problem?"

I pause for a second, a bit anxious that I'm about to ask this question... He's gonna think im crazy, Isn't he?...whatever. I need to stop stalling.

"Uuhhh okay so... earlier I was just thinking about stuff. And then I coughed... but then I coughed up flower petals. I don't know how or why, but I just need some explanation, becauseI'mkindoffreakingoutrightnow-"

Jupiter quickly interrupts me.

"Woah woah buddy, calm down. You coughed up...flower petals?"

"Yes and I know I probably sound Insane but I swear I did and I'm kind of concerned."

"Hmm..." he says, thinking for a moment.

I eagerly wait for a response, but I don't get the response that I wanted.

"I'm not actually sure what's happening, maybe Ȅ̸͍ḁ̵̂ṛ̵͑t̶͔̾ĥ̷̘ could tell you something about it."

Earth?! EARTH?! Oh no no no. I am NOT talking to Earth. The only time I'm going to be talking to Earth is when I knock some sense into him. Not when I'm asking some dumb question.

"Earth?! Why?? I'm sorry but there's no way I'm gonna talk to-"

"Ganymede. Just let me explain." he interrupts.

I usually don't like it when people interrupt me, but this guy is literally 69.9k kilometers (hehe funni number) in size. I'm not gonna talk back to him.

"I know talking to Earth might seem like a dumb idea, but trust me. He could help you out. I'm smart, but he's also smart too. In a different way, though... Maybe there's some information about it that the earthlings have talked about."

Hmm... maybe he's got a point. I guess i'll talk to him... but ill have to be SUPER casual about it.

"Okay fine. I'll go ask him...but this is a one time thing!"

Jupiter chuckled. "Okay. you go do that."

I float around in the orbit of the rocky planets. I'm not sure exactly where his orbit is, but I have a bit of an idea of where it is.

I keep looking but I can't seem to find him. After a while I just sigh, feeling frustrated... until I feel something behind me.

I look behind me and I...of course...see Earth. Great. He looks as wimpy as ever. He also has eye bags, which I didn't know a planet could have, but okay

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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