Chapter 10

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Location: Wayne Manor / Time: 6:30 pm

At Dinner the family talked about what they had planned for tomorrow.

"Daddy, can you guess what Pongo and me are going to do tomorrow?" Smiled Jason hugging his toy otter.

"Who's Pongo?" Asked Damian.

"My otter." Replied Jason holding his otter up for his brother to see.

"He got the name Pongo from 101 Dalmatians." Explained Dick.

"That's dumbest...." Began Damian.

"So! Jason whatcha going to do tomorrow with Pongo?" Asked Bruce trying to prevent a fight from breaking out among his sons.

"Dickie found old blocks in his room. He said when he gets them clean, me and Pongo are going to make a tower." Jason beamed.

"That's good idea Master Jason." Smiled Alfred holding a pitcher of water in his left hand.

Tim smiled as his little brother talking about his ideas for tomorrow. Then a yawn slipped from Jason's mouth, "Uh oh, someone's tired." Smirked Tim.

Jason wanted to protest, but he didn't. He rubbed his sleep eye with a his hand and jumped down from his eating area.

Tim smiled. He picked Jason up and hugged his brother. Tim looked at Bruce for approval to take Jason to bed.

Bruce nodded then asked, "Give Jason a bath, he already took a shower of pasta."

"Sure thing." Tim chuckled.

"Dick help them." Demanded Bruce.

"I'll do it for Jason." Frowned Dick.

Bruce rolled his eyes, he was getting annoyed the silent anger going on between him and his oldest. "Jason can't be little forever." Thought Bruce.

Meanwhile in the Bathroom...

Tim scrubbed Jason while Dick prepared Jason's pajamas.

"Hey Little-Wing how about after the tower we built tomorrow we go to the park?" Asked Dick.

"Yes!" Jumped Jason accidentally splashing Tim.

"Hey!" Yelled Tim with laughter.

"Sorry." Jason looked down with embarrassment.

Tim smiled, he was very forgiving. He held a towel out for his brother. Jason immediately wrapped himself up. He jumped into Tim's arms. Dick gave Tim the Pjs, and he drained the water from the bathtub.

"What do think of your new Pjs?" Asked Dick.

"Cool." Beamed Jason. He stared at the Batman and Robin symbol pattern in the mirror. Tim and Dick just chuckled.

Dick picked up his baby brother and carried him to his room, while Tim stayed behind to clean up the water mess. Dick placed Jason in the bed, tucked him in, and gave him his otter, "Sleep well Jason." Smiled Dick.

"Wait!" Called Jason, "Can you stay with me?"

Dick didn't protest he wanted to spend more and more time with Jason as he can. "Sure Little-Wing."

"Why do you call me Little-Wing?"

"Just a nickname I think that fits you."

"Oh. Can I call my mommy and daddy tomorrow?"

"No Jason, your parents are very busy but they told me they love you and miss you."

"Oh ok." A yawn slipped from Jason's mouth. He closed his eyes and was sound asleep.

Dick placed a kiss on his brother's small forehead and whispered, "Goodnight." To Jason. As Dick snuck out of Jason's room and went to find Tim.

A Bat Brother Deaged (Complete/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now