Chapter 55 - Here is the information

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Third person pov

"Where were you Abhinay " His father asked.

"With my friends " He muttered.

"Friends?" He asked calmly

"Hmm. " He knew if his father is talking calmly that means a storm is going to come.

"Did you gave the file to Mishra! " He asked.

"Dad actually I -" he tried to reason.

"Did You gave the file to MISHRA?! " Prem raised his voice.

Hearing this Abhay and Bhawna came in the living room and saw Abhinay.

'Why is he late? Dad looks angry too " Abhay thought.

"I asked you a question Abhi " Prem said.

"No " He said looking at the stairs.

Bhawna gasped and Abhay knew he is gone today.

"You knew this file was so important, Didn't I told you! " Prem said.

He nodded his head.

"Then why didn't the file reached there! " He said raising a eyebrow.

"Dad I forgot " He whispered.

"Forgot you don't forget to meet your friends. You don't forget to roam here and there! " He said.

"Dad... "


"It was such a small responsibility " Prem said coldly.

"It happened a mistake.... Children do mistake. " Bhawna said.

"Mistake? He is not a child Bhawna! " Prem said.

"dad I just forgot to give the file...i will give it tomorrow " Abhinay said sighing.

"It's not about a file, It's about Responsibility, You don't understand your responsibility " Prem explained.

Abhinay rolled his eyes, He just want to go in his room and sleep.

"you can't fulfill any responsibility not in love and not in duty. " Prem muttered.

"Don't talk about my love life " Abhinay said.

"Why Oh I forgot you just keep Flirting around" Prem mocked .

"Dad! " Abhinay said.

"What are you saying ?" Bhawna said.

"Your lovely son broke up with his 10 girlfriend, I don't care but she was innocent, Why did you break up with her" He asked.

"she was cheating on me " Abhinay said not in the mood to fight.

"Really? " Prem asked.
"Yes "

"this is lie , I know the truth you know how? " Prem asked.

Abhinay clenched his fist hearing the matter again.

"When we were in a business party, I tried to do a deal with Agnihotri but you know what they told" Prem said glaring at him.

Bhawna didn't understand Prem was so angry at Abhinay and she couldn't save him because he needed a peace of mind in his brain.

"They told If the son can cheat behind their back and can't be loyal to them, then how can we expect father being loyal. Because children learn, from their father" He said glaring.

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