Perplexing Feelings

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Taehyung POV

It was late at night, and I was sitting in my room trying to come up with a new marketing strategy. We had a new product coming up soon, so we needed a marketing plan.

My entire bed was filled with torn and crumpled paper. Any idea I thought of wasn't good enough. So, I kept writing and tearing up papers in frustration.

Annoyed after a point, I let out a groan and threw my head back on the bed's headboard. I closed my eyes to relax, trying to imagine calm things and for some reason Y/N's smiling face flashed infront of my eyes. I don't know why but my mind kept recalling that moment when Y/N and I had a little conversation in my cabin after the meeting. 

"It was nice to see her smile. She looked beautiful" I mumbled under my breath. And I was unconsciously smiling to myself like an idiot. But my inner self was quick to scream at me, "Wait!! What am I thinking?" My body sprung up in my bed and I was left dumbfounded at my own thoughts.

"Ugh! No" I tapped my cheeks snapping myself out of it. "This is delusional, I need to get some coffee" I mentally thought and strolled downstairs.

I entered the kitchen with my hand massaging the back of my neck but my  legs instantly stumbled seeing Y/N near the cabinet.

Thankfully, her back was facing me and she didn't notice my presence. "The one person I am trying to avoid right now and she had to be right infront of me, ughhh my fate" I mentally face-palmed myself as my eyes observed what she was doing. 

It looked like she was trying to grab something from the upper cabinet but she couldn't reach the height. She started to tip toe and it caused her top to lift up more than a decent amount. My eyes inadvertently went to her exposed waist and noticed a tattoo on the side of her waist.

It wasn't fully visible, so I narrowed my eyes in an attempt to figure it out but soon I realized what I was doing and instantly peeled my eyes off her. Heat rushed throughout my body causing me to release a hot breath. Even though that tattoo made me curious as hell, I stopped myself from looking. It was wrong!


It was almost midnight and I was still awake because I had to catch up with two weeks' worth of work that was pending due to my negligence. And like every other human being, I felt hungry in the middle of the night. So, I went to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

Unfortunately, all the snacks were kept in the cabinet where my hands couldn't reach. So, naturally I tiptoed and tried to reach it. Little did I know that it was a bad idea but still went with it. The feeling of my hunger overpowered the threat of falling. 

I had almost reached the handle but my toes twisted, and due to the pain, I lost balance. My body plunged backward, nearing the ground but before it could hit the solid floor, I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist, stopping me from falling.

Those arms pulled me up and the very next second my back was pressed into a well-built chest making me freeze in my place. Soon that person's scent roamed around and hit my nose and I knew it was Taehyung. I would recognize that scent any day.

His nose hitched deeper into my hair as if he was smelling it while I unintentionally bit my lip inhaling his manly fragrance. 

"Are you okay?" He voiced and I gulped at his husky deep voice. I could only nod back as an answer to his question. My breathing quickened as his grip tightened around me, and only then I realized that due to my crop top, his hand was resting on my bare belly.

He pressed his body more into mine, sending a jolt of electricity down my spine while my hands uncomfortably cupped his hands that were wrapped around me. His hot breath fanned my nape as his face moved from behind my head, closer to my ear. 

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