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It was half past seven, but the sun had already set over an hour ago, leaving the dense clouds glowing with the last traces of purple and gray twilight. Dim lights leaked out of bars and neon signs blinked outside restaurants and nightclubs as Second Avenue came alive at night.

A small group smoking outside a dingy bar eyed Carter, Lola and me as we passed. From their attire and their thoughts, I gathered they were probably attending the same event we were. Most of them had at least one tattoo visible and a few piercings.

"At least the street isn't completely empty now," Carter said, adjusting the collar on his new shirt. The cheap button down wouldn't pass for goth in any way, but it was black, so in the dark surrounded by a bunch of other people wearing black, he'd blend in fine.

Lola had done...better with her outfit selection.

A few people in flashy clothes waited outside a restaurant with a pink and turquoise sign that read "Seastar." One of the men turned as we passed, his dark eyes following us as we continued down the street.

Wow, she looks hot, he thought. Too bad that dress isn't just a little shorter...

Maybe Lola did a little too well. I ground my teeth, trying to keep myself under control as his gross thoughts faded into the distance.

Lola pinched her eyes shut, her face flushing red with discomfort.

"Let's walk a little faster," she said. She tugged on her tight, slinky black dress as she picked up her pace. She pulled it down so it covered as much as she could get it to, but it barely reached her thighs. The low cut neck revealed her collar bones and a bit of cleavage.

She crossed her arms over herself, shivering. "I wish we could have parked closer," she muttered under her breath.

"Here, wear my jacket," I said as I took it off.

"I'm fine," she said.

"You're shivering," I said as I put it over her shoulders. "And...guys can be assholes."

"Okay, fine." She slipped her arms into the sleeves. "But just until we get inside."

I nodded. "Just until we get inside." I bit my lower lip. I didn't know how to tell her, but I really didn't want her to take it off. She looked a bit too good in that dress, and I was worried. If the guys on the streets were this bad, I had a feeling inside the club would be worse.

Also...I kind of liked the way she looked wearing my clothes.

"There it is," Carter said, pointing ahead.

It looked even more dead than it had when we'd passed it this afternoon. Without any windows, the building faded into the dark night. No signs pointed to the alley with the side entrance. If we hadn't come by here in the afternoon, I would have completely missed it.

We turned onto the alley and headed toward the door where three or four people were stopped at the entrance talking to who I presumed was the bouncer. Even from ten yards away, I could tell he was over six feet tall and probably weighed about three hundred pounds.

"Let's wait for a minute." Lola pulled Carter and me off to the side. "Watch and see if he lets them in first."

"Good idea," Carter said. "Maybe we can come up with a plan or something for how to get in." He glanced over his shoulder as the security guard put a wristband on each person before letting them in.

That guy's a beast, Carter thought. "So, I guess physical intimidation is out."

"Nah, I bet you can take him," Lola teased.

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