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Welcome to my brand new Anakin Skywalker fic - I hope you enjoy it <3

But before I begin, I wanted to address the reason why I'm writing this story (besides the fact that I love Star Wars obviously LOL).

Years ago here on Wattpad, I was cyberbullied and harassed by a troll named Zanna ( alderaans ) and her friend uruveils  for nearly 2 years. Zanna went by many names (including Mae and Iris) but since I knew her by that name, that's what I'll refer to her as here. She is no longer on Wattpad thankfully and that username is now held by a completely different user who was also bullied by her. If you tap the link to that username, you can read her full story there.

In the past, I wrote some Star Wars one shots including ones about Anakin. Which is actually how I met her. She was also writing Anakin fanfiction starring her character Zara Antilles (Verboten) which I began to read as she read mine. She was a very talented writer and I truly loved her work. However, not long after I met her (and uruveils who was also reading my one shots at the time) I started to be trolled by a random user on my Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones) fanfiction, Infernal.

What began as a few rude comments spiraled completely out of control. In a few short weeks, I was receiving multiple threats from this user every day which one time even included a particularly nasty comment on my b-day about how my mom "should have aborted me". At one point, I just muted her in hopes that it would end the insanity....but it didn't. Instead, she just continued to make new accounts to troll me. Then she got a friend of hers involved in bullying me.

Eventually, uruveils got outed as being one of those trolls and made a public "apology" on her page about it after claiming it was a "good game" and just like that, it stopped. However back then, Zanna (who was the leader in all of this), was never found out nor did she amend for it.

Looking back now, I can't believe I nearly deleted my account here on WP and quit writing over some dumb comments. I just wanted an end to all of it. Back then, I didn't want to continue writing a lot of Star Wars fanfiction and do anything to garner any more of her negative attention than I already had. However, looking back, I really wish I had written this fic back then and not worried about what a bully thought of me.

The reason I'm bringing all of this up now, though, is not only to finally be able to share my side of the story but also to encourage others who have been bullied. Don't let anyone ever control or manipulate you into quitting what you love. There will always be haters out there waiting around the corner for you to mess up. And you know what? Not everyone likes everything you'll do in life - whether that's writing or something else. And you will mess up sometimes because we all do! We're only human, after all. It's those experiences in life that grow and define us as writers and as people.

But you have to stay true to you and never forget the reason you started. I write because I adore it. Writing is like breathing to me. Where am I without it?

Okay...this got a bit lengthy. But thank you for those who read till the end anyway LOL

As for this story - I tried to stay within time constraints as much as the storyline would allow and I'm featuring an OC who is a PoC since I am, too, and write exclusively that way. There are a ton of SW universe references in this fic from the movies, series, books + video games - just so you're forewarned if something is unfamiliar to you. Lastly, there will be a sequel (which is in the works) based on ROTS.

I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did writing it <3

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