Shots Fired

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After their time in the R&D labs they headed over to the gym, and that would prove to be a very... interesting portion of the trip. See, Steve is probably the most iconic avenger, there's 80 years of History to him, and every midtown student has been subjected to his PSA's. Yeah and uhhh, Peter might've played with that.

As for Bucky... ohh that's another beast of a problem.

Before they left the labs they caught Ned onto what Peter was doing. He didn't give anything away about the other Avengers, him wanting to keep it a secret and "you'll see", so they were naturally excited. MJ most of all, having set out pages for everyone.

Lotte let them out at the gym level and immediately came into view Captain Steve Rogers America.

- *Steve's Room, 5am*.

He knew something was wrong from second 1. He couldn't move, but he could still feel the bed beneath him, and he remembered being in his room. His eyes snapped open, first focusing on the location: his room... but different. The first significant change was the extra thick webbing covering all of his bed. From previous experience everyone knew it could even hold Bucky's vibranium arm so Steve knew better than to struggle.

Second he looked for anything different: a note.

'Hi Uncle Steve!

Don't worry, you're safe, just stuck. You'll be freed with just enough time to make it to the gym for us, but not without problems.

First, don't look for your shield. I've taken it for ransom and if you want it back you'll behave today. Second, I might've dropped a stink bomb in your closet, so while you're free to wear something from there, i was able to salvage one of your uniforms.

It's neatly folded and clean as a whistle on your bathroom counter. Consider it a gift from me.

There's web solvent on the roof, it'll explode with enough time to set you free in time, and I am really sorry for doing this, but you picked your side, I picked mine. Really sorry, again, I love you but this had to be done.

P.S. sorry for the extra surprises'.

Steve wasn't sure what he meant, and barely had time to find out as he got 10 minutes to wash and suit up for the tour. He knew if he flaked the rest would be mad, and Bucky? Would kill him.

The first surprise made itself clear really quickly, much to the man's dismay. His room's television lit up on a YouTube playlist titled: "Captain America's PSA's", all 32 of them. Worst of all? It was set on repeat. He had to focus all his strength on distracting himself before running to the shower the instance the webs loosened up.


There were 2 more surprises. First was his uniform. Tony had made Steve maybe 20 uniforms, 5 designs 4 of each. Peter took the liberty of dying the most iconic design a bright neon pink, the white parts turned purple. He 'yassified' the Captain America uniform.

But that still wasn't the worst. The third surprise took that prize, for he'd used permanent marker on Steve's face, the words: "So you got in trouble, you messed up", written on his face. Most of the phrase on his forehead, the last two words one on each cheek.

The man was most displeased.

He'd been giving a smile at the class till his eyes landed on Peter, to which he scowled. The class all had their phones out, all taking pictures, all going directly to social media. "Morning Midtown!", he forces out, "I can see you're all entertained by my appearance today, but I do need you to focus if you want to train with us".

Still the class needed an extra minute to cool off with the phones, at least 20 different memes being created in that minute and plenty of the class going viral after. Once they're off the phones, he continues, "for our session we're letting you have a crack at using our tools and equipment, or if you want, letting you try sparring with us".

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