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Chapter One: 

They had never quite gotten along in the Academy.

But the moment they get assigned to Kakashi ━ the moment Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura become dai-nana-han ━ it's like an internal flip is switched in all of them. There's a certain understanding as the three genin eye each other, wary and standoffish, each sitting in their respective corners of the class as they wait for their new Sensei. 

Sakura shifts in her seat, frowning, "I'm going to kill him," she says, referring to Kakashi.

Sasuke nods, agreeing.

Naruto murmurs, "as long as I get to have the first punch." 

It's the only thing they've ever agreed upon, this distaste for their new Sensei whom they haven't even met yet ━ and it's the start to a beautiful friendship. 

A friendship that blooms into something vicious the moment Kakashi Hatake steps inside the classroom. He's not even given a second before Sakura slams her hands down onto the desk in front of her, "you," she seethes, irritated beyond belief, "are late."  

"Well," Kakashi starts, mulling over an excuse, only to be interrupted by Sasuke clicking his tongue in annoyance. 

"She wasn't done talking," Naruto says, joining in. He cracks his knuckles, one after the other and Kakashi raises a single brow, mildly surprised at the combined killing intent he can feel weaving through the air ━ it's still weak, too soft around the edges, but it's there and Kakashi can't help but smile underneath his mask. 

"Maa," the grey haired man raises his hands in mock surrender. "I was told the three of you didn't get along, looks like the information given to me was false." 

Sakura huffs, scowling. "We get along just perfectly fine, Kakashi- Sensei."

"I can see that," Kakashi nods, moving his gaze around the room, obviously gesturing to the distance between each of them with a simple look. 

He's met with tense silence. Sasuke's fingers twitch atop the desk and Naruto turns to look out the window, shoulders drawing up against his whiskered cheeks. Even Sakura drops her gaze lower, the irritation from before deflating. 

"Come here," Kakashi orders, moving towards one of the front desks. He taps his knuckles onto the wood twice and slowly, but surely, his three students move to sit in front of him. Sakura takes up the middle, Sasuke the left and Naruto the right. They're all sitting on the edges of their seats. Sasuke looks like he's one wrong word from bolting out of the room and Naruto's eyeing the windows for escape. 

Kakashi folds his arms across his chest, "don't bother on trying to run away,'' he says, "I'm much faster than you. And if you do try, I'll terminate your genin status and you'll be immediately assigned back to the Academy. "

"You can't do that!" Naruto yells, turning to glare at Kakashi. 

The older man tilts his head ever so slightly, "can't I?" 

Sasuke scoffs and Sakura's frown returns, deeper than before. She fiddles with the hem of her red dress, trying to curb her anger so that she doesn't lash out. 

Kakashi unfolds his arms and slouches to appear less intimidating. "There's no need to explain anything to me, just know that if you need someone to listen… well."

"Yeah," Naruto sniffs, "like we'll get all buddy-buddy with you." 

"Maa, it'll take some time," Kakashi says, "but you'll eventually come around. I am, after all, one of Konoha's strongest━"

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