final thoughts

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Happy to answer any questions relating to the characters or story! For anyone disappointed by the fact that Rodney and Romeo do not end up together, please at least skim the 'INTENTIONS' section below. Thank you <3


WRITING FINAL CHAPTERS and epilogues always proves to be a difficult task because they're the last chance to get things right. With this book, however, from very early on, even when I didn't have the specifics of the ending worked out, I knew that Rodney and Romeo couldn't and wouldn't end up together.

My reason for writing Wherefore Art Thou Romeo was to explore the toxic, damaging relationship between Romeo and his first love, Rodney. To allow them to end up together would've done a disservice both to you, the reader, and Romeo and Rodney themselves— especially Romeo. If you're upset or displeased by the ending, let me clarify my intentions.

To end this book with Rodney and Romeo ending up together would've been very harmful. Regardless of whatever love was involved, Rodney was an abusive partner. He was emotionally, verbally and, on one occasion, physically abusive towards Romeo. Towards the end of their relationship, being around Rodney fills Romeo with fear and distress. For me to write an ending where they are happily together completely goes against the narrative because it unfairly dismisses all of the pain that Romeo has suffered in favour of him ending up with Rodney just because they are the two main characters. I never wanted this story to be an endorsement of abusive relationships. Rodney and Romeo ending up together is not a happy ending.

Romeo's happy ending always had to come from him leaving Rodney behind and healing from the pain he suffered while learning to be okay on his own. As much as Rodney may seem healed or kinder in the epilogue, it was important for me to show that it made no difference to Romeo. Romeo was not bitter towards him or frightened of him. He's okay. He no longer depends on Rodney's love as he once did and has forgiven him for the grief that he caused, regardless of what kind of person Rodney may be a year and a half later.

Whether people change or not is up to you. If you think that Rodney could better himself and learn to be a healthy and emotionally stable partner then I won't tell you otherwise. However, I don't believe that Romeo would go back to him because the conclusion of his character arc is that he finds the strength to break out of this relationship in order to heal himself and establish his own individuality, separate from Rodney's obsessive and violent tendencies. 

Rodney was capable of softness and tenderness. He was capable of innocence and sweet gestures and romance. He was capable of love and, in his own troubled way, he likely did love Romeo. But it doesn't matter. He was violent, jealous, possessive, cruel and volatile, and he was originally drawn to Romeo because he wanted to destroy him. He was not emotionally stable enough to be in a healthy relationship, no matter how much love he might have had or been capable of.

I think I've gone on for long enough! If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to reply to any comments :') <3


I've stated before in many (if not all) of my final notes that I'm a perfectionist. I struggle so much with perfectionism that I often don't write at all for fear of creating something that isn't worth reading. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with trying to perfect my chosen subject matter— in this instance, toxic relationships— that I avoid writing at all costs because I'm so worried about getting it wrong.

This was something I struggled with a lot while writing this story which resulted in often very long waits between chapters. The fact that people continued to show their support even after a three-month-long wait means more than I can tell you. Thank you.

Regarding my struggles, I'm aware that this story is far from perfect. There are things I can appreciate about my writing here. Mostly the development of my writing style, language choices, Rodney's characterisation and the portrayal of Rodney and Romeo's relationship.

However, the story structure is not as tight as it could've been and certain topics don't have enough time devoted to them, especially Rodney and Romeo's relationships with their fathers, and Rodney's relationships with his mother and brother.

The earlier chapters of this book require the most work. I think I found the rhythm of the narrative much more around chapters ten / eleven. I think the details of the story were also a little loose and required more attention and care during the writing process.

However, due to the fact that this book was never my top writing priority, I can say I'm mostly pleased with how it turned out. My main problems are with chapters six-eight which sort of feel almost disconnected from the rest of the narrative? They could definitely use some work and maybe I'll edit them in the future to make them more relevant to the rest of the story and characterisation. Looking back, they provide an opportunity for Romeo and Rodney to get to know each other better, but, from memory, they feel like more detached filler </3

If there was anything about this story that you didn't like or thought could've been improved upon, feel free to leave a comment. Anything constructive is appreciated!


Best section until last, I owe my thanks. To anyone who has read this story, voted, commented, or engaged in any way, your support means the entire world. I can't thank you enough for the love that this story and these characters have received. My gratitude and appreciation for you are endless <3

As challenging as it was, I really did love writing this story and these characters. This was the first time I've ever really explored a dynamic like Romeo and Rodney's, and I could write a twenty-page analysis on their relationship, but I will not make you suffer through that :')) <3 I only hope that you enjoyed your time with them and this story as much as I did. They were pains, but I'll miss them terribly.

Again, thank you for everything <3


( all feature bxb romance )


i. Sun Kissed (2021) — Two boys, an ice cream store and a summer to fall in love.

ii. Cause for Concern (2021) Professional disaster Max Oran learns to move on from his tumultuous past. In the process, he finds himself in a new group of misfits and a boy he can't quite get over in the process.

iii. Pride and Joy (2021) — Nate Pembroke makes Denver Hughes an offer he can't refuse as they both attempt to cope with their own private losses.

iv. Third Time's A Charm (2022) — Exes twice over, Brooks Dawson and Archie Holland decide to take a third and final shot at love, risking their hearts and their friendships in the process.

v. Love Thy Neighbor (2022) — Blake Collins moves in next door and Luca Mendoza's world turns upside down.

vii. Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? (2022) — you're here!


vi. The Best of Us (2022) — Seventeen-year-old Tucker Bailey's life is spiralling out of control and he starts on the road to take it back. But if he takes a wrong turn then he doesn't just risk losing himself. He risks losing everything.

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