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Jimin POV

"Everything will be alright; she's going to be just fine. Things will turn out well if she remains safe and protected" He reassured himself.

Jimin was worried about his protected sister. She had never interacted with anyone besides him, and now she was about to face the high court. The evening had to be flawless, and he was determined to ensure that nothing would interfere with his sister's diligent efforts. He remembered that during his 21st year, Tae and JK planned a prank to soak him in a bucket of water. They underestimated him. The prank went awry, soaking them instead and sending everyone else into peals of laughter. Even though the situation ended up amusing, he knew such occurrences could be stressful for his sister.

"Your Highness, the other princes have arrived," announced one of the butlers with a bow.

Having adjusted his attire to perfection, he exited the room and easily descended the grand staircase. Entering the expansive living space designed for entertaining, he was welcomed by the animated chatter of his friends. He noticed that everyone, besides Yoongi sleeping on the loveseat, was admiring the exquisite glass whiskey set he had received from Yoongi's kingdom.

"Wow, the fire smiths have truly surpassed themselves with these. I might just place an order myself," Namjoon remarked as he admired one of the glasses.

"It was quite pricey. Yoongi didn't provide any discount," Jimin declared upon his arrival. The group greeted him warmly, making room to welcome him with an embrace.

"I let you skip the waiting list, you brat," Yoongi grumbled from the loveseat.

"Finally! We've been waiting forever for you. I think I'm getting grey hairs," Tae teased, embracing Jimin. Jimin returned the hug with joy. Though they were all close friends, Tae and he had always been best friends, inseparable since their earliest days.

"Oh please, you just got here," Jimin retorted with a roll of his eyes, turning to Hobi who was coming in for a hug. He smiled and embraced him, basking in the warmth of the moment.

"I've missed this," Hobi whispered as he pulled away, flashing a radiant smile that never failed to take Jimin's breath away.

Hobi never concealed his preference for a partner, and his affection for Jimin was no secret. Jimin accepted the attention gracefully, enjoying the innocent flattery. As time passed, Jimin began to return Hobi's affections, but he was aware of the limitations imposed by their circumstances. As the future heir, he must marry and continue the royal bloodline. Recognizing the weight of these duties, they both understood the situation's severity. They valued their connection and decided not to explore their emotions further.

"How do you always manage to look so stunning?" Hobi asked with a radiant smile.

"Alright, Hobi, it's clear you're smitten with Jimin. Must you comment on his appearance every single moment?" remarked Yoongi. Hobi's cheeks turned a soft pink, and he went to the couch. Jimin sent him a subtle, comforting smile, acknowledging the compliment, which helped Hobi relax.

"Hey, Yoongi, that was uncalled for," Jin chided. "Ignore him, Hoseok; he's just being grouchy."

"Well, maybe if those two hadn't chattered non-stop during the car ride, allowing me some sleep, I wouldn't be so irritable," Yoongi muttered, gesturing towards Hobi and Jungkook.

"Don't put the blame on us for your lack of sleep. You were just as engrossed in our conversation as we were," Jungkook retorted.

"Would the topic of discussion, by any chance, be about my dear sweet sister?" Jimin inquired, his words edged with tension.

Jungkook fell silent, offering no response, but Tae, ever the fearless one lacking any sort of filter, decided to speak up.

"Clearly, we discussed your sister Chim. It's our first encounter with her, and understandably, we're thrilled," he expressed.

"We assure you that only kind words were spoken. We just want her to feel comfortable and trust us," Hobi added.

Jimin dropped the subject with a deep sigh, shooting a final warning look at everyone before heading to the couches near the fireplace.

"Speaking of which, will she be coming down as well?" Jin inquired, glancing towards the staircase.

"No, Father insisted that she stay in her room until the party so that she can be introduced to everyone at once," Jimin explained as he settled onto the couch beside Hobi. The others gathered around, finding seats on the nearby couches, while Yoongi remained asleep, softly napping on the loveseat.

"How are you holding up?" Namjoon questioned.

"Anxious. I'm not fond of the idea of sharing her," Jimin confessed under his breath.

"It's understandable. Having been her only support for such a long time, the thought of others stepping into that role can be overwhelming." Jin consoled.

"I just can't bear the thought of her being exposed to the world's harshness. She's so innocent and kind. Not everyone arriving has pure motives like you," Jimin frowned.

"We'll protect her, Chim. You have my word that we'll shield her brightness," Tae declared.

"Correct, I stand with Tae on this. We're here for you, Hyung. Hia will not be harmed." Jungkook affirmed.

"I'll set them ablaze," Yoongi declared, his voice catching Namjoon off guard as he sat closest to him.

"Wow, I thought you were asleep! You scared me," Namjoon said with a laugh.

"Those immature fools won't trouble the princess on my watch," Jin declared.

"Thanks, guys. I want tonight to go smoothly. We've been planning for years, and it's her special birthday. It has to be perfect," Jimin expressed.

"Don't worry; it's going to be wonderful. She'll get the chance to spend time with us and discover all the enjoyment she's been missing out on," Hobi said reassuringly, smiling.

Jimin quickly glanced at his friends' faces and observed that even Yoongi, who appeared to be half asleep, was there. This gave him confidence, as he knew that all of them would provide unwavering support to his dear sister.

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