I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret🥺

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"This is KROQ, my name is Chris and we are here talking to the Black Veil Brides!" The interviewer announced, smiling at the camera before he turned to said band. "How is Warped tour going, boys?"

"Amazing, the shows have been great." Andy said, flashing a charming smile as he swung a casual arm around CC, sipping on a mountain dew bottle that absolutely had whiskey in it.

"Yeah, the fans have been awesome!" CC chimed in with a bright grin.

"Fantastic to hear! What city has been your favorite so far?" Chris asked. Andy smiled, trying his best not to sigh at the line of questions. Every interviewer asked the same damn thing, none of them were original.

"Tulsa was great. The energy from the crowd was off the charts for sure." Jake said, glancing at Andy to silently beg him to take over the talking.

Jake didn't mind doing interviews, but when it was a group interview, he always kind of naturally took a backseat and let Andy take the lead. He was a natural at this sort of thing.

'I'm a natural at talking about myself, yes.' Andy would joke whenever Jake would compliment him.

"So you put out a new album the beginning of the year, would you like to tell everyone a little bit about that?" Chris asked, and Jake almost sighed in relief. He could practically feel the way Andy was buzzing at the prospect of getting to talk about his beloved concept album that he put his heart and soul into.

It became very obvious very quickly that the album was going to be a hit, but none of them were expecting just how massive it would be.

They were all so proud of it, but that was Andy's baby through and through, no question about it.

Jake stared off into space for a little bit, tuning out the voices around him as he mentally went over the set list. They had decided to add a new song to it last minute and Jake was a touch nervous about playing something new on short notice.

His mind slowly wandered to the man next to him. Andy dyed his hair back to its natural color, and it was adorable on him. It made his eyes pop, and he looked stunning. A lot of people gave him shit and called him a sellout- funny how they're posers when they have the war paint and sellouts when they don't. You can't win.

Jake could tell the comments hurt Andy, but as per usual, he kept it to himself.

"-Jake would be able to tell you more about that." The guitarist glanced up to see a microphone in his face and three pairs of eyes staring at him as they waited for an answer.

"Uhm..." Jake stumbled, trying to figure out what to say when he felt subtle fingers brush down his spine. His eyes flickered to Andy who simply mouthed "producing."

"I went to school to be a sound engineer actually so getting to help with the mix on this album was really incredible." Jake replied, going into all the details and trying not to focus on the fingers still drawing patterns into his overheated skin.

"Well the album is incredible, guys. You knocked it out of the park!" The interviewer complimented, earning smiles from the three bandmates.

"Thank you so much, we're very proud of it." Andy replied with a hum. It was hot, and Andy was bored. He just wanted to get this over with so he could go back to the bus.

"Now for some rapid fire questions from your fans!" Chris said, flipping the que card over to read it.

Jake cringed internally. He loved their fans, but they could be a bit... batshit crazy, so he had no idea what the questions would be.

"If you had to be trapped on a desert island with one member of the band, who would it be?" Jake snorted at the question. "Jinxx or Andy probably. They're both smart so theyd find a way off the island." He said

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